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Archive: TWFTT 5-10-18
55 now, 59 hi, 43 lo. Raining on & off… cloudy tomorrow, then 3 sunny days in a row. Good fishing weather, but I’m less fond of fishing on weekends (too crowded sometimes).
Thanks for the hot tip on the nasal spray, Henry! 🙂
44 degrees…brrrr cloudy
Educate the masses! Order Henry’s CD ‘Bill of Rights/ Common Law Explained’ send your request to:
PO Box 94
Kulm, ND 58456
If that is too much work just shoot me an email ….Henry and Laura have my addy
LOL… thanks, Angel. 😀
That’s obviously not me, but I’m not opposed to sharing. 🙂
Why is it that I hardly have any appetite these days, especially considering the obscene amount I smoke.
Thank you Henry. In one solid hour you brought forth enough education, truth, and facts to arouse an idiot to take up arms against this govt..
Actually, you did this in around 45 minutes. Unbelievable!
You are welcome. 🙂