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Archive: TWFTT 11-10-22
30 degrees
Cloudy and windy
Mr. Swifty Lomax, the package arrived safe and sound, thank you very much.
I can’t understand why we as Americans are putting up with this Bullshit, it’s embarrassing and humiliating at this point.
I feel very fortunate that I have a fairly decent full size motor home that I live in, and although I’m 65 ,found that I could find enough labor gigs on Craigslist in the Wilsonville area of Oregon to supplement my retirement income to get by rather decently.
That has changed dramatically since the Covid scam though.
Unfortunately I have known nothing but either selfish, clueless braindead people in this area (I often wondered how many were just cowards, that were hiding behind an act of cluelesssnes) people are becoming increasingly hostile to the truth lately that it’s getting more dangerous to attempt speaking to them about it, I have no intention quitting fighting, but feel like I am a little too close to Portland, that it’s like being behind enemy lines, NOBODY cares about, or even will acknowledge that there even is a problem here!!
I said what I’ve said, just to say that I’ve decided to move on somewhere safer in the state, and pray that I find some people who are not just zombies, my dog deserves better than the useless trash here.
Prayers for strength and courage to all my internet pals who helped keeping me informed.