The Word From the Trenches – November 17, 2020

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Archive: TWFTT 11-17-20

6 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches – November 17, 2020


    Said The Great Oak to The Ancient Redwood:

    “Long have I been here mighty and strong.”

    Said The Ancient Redwood to The Great Oak:

    “Long have I steadily hovered above the seasons.”

    Said The Great Oak back to The Ancient Redwood:

    “Much have you given to the life of this world.”

    Said The Ancient Redwood in response:

    “Much have YOU also given to the life of this world.”

    Said The Little Eavesdropping Sapling:

    “Freely the Tree-Kings fortify the forest; I want to be a Tree-King.”


  2. Mark, please come back. You are loved, valued, missed. Life brings disagreements and misunderstandings. With these come opportunities to work through them. Process opens new doors, not just to life but to ourselves. To fight for The Bill of Rights is to fight to be ourselves, to be who we are. Please come back.


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