Joe Biden: Governors Issuing Mask Mandates, Lockdown Orders Are ‘Patriotic’

Breitbart – by Kyle Olson

Joe Biden said Monday he wants governors to lock down their states to fight the coronavirus and questioned the patriotism of those who don’t.

Biden said he has “enormous respect” for “conservative” Republican governors who have “stepped up and issued mandates for wearing masks.” 

The Democrat presidential candidate went on to praise Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), and criticized an unnamed Trump adviser who supposedly recommended governors “resist” Biden’s demands.

“What the hell is the matter with these guys? What is the matter with them?” Biden said, adding:

Every major individual of any consequence in the health field is saying we can save 100,000 lives just between now and January 21 by wearing masks. It’s going to take a while for the vaccine to be able to be  available, distributed and get to people. We’re talking about 350,000 to 400,000 people dying.

“What are they doing? It’s totally irresponsible, irresponsible,” he said.

Biden then praised Utah Gov. Gary Herbert (R) and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum (R), though not by name:

Does anybody understand why a governor would turn this into a  political statement? It’s about patriotism. It’s about being patriotic. It’s about saving lives, for real. I’m— this is not hyperbole. It’s about being patriotic. I think we’re seeing more and more as this god-awful virus continues to spread, almost unabated, that we— that governors are stepping up.

Biden used similar language in October linking wearing a mask to being patriotic.

“It’s not a matter of politics. It’s a bracing reminder to all of us, we have to take this virus seriously,” he said in Michigan, WZZM reported. “It’s not going away automatically. We have to do our part to be responsible–means following the science, listening to the experts, washing our hands, social distancing.”

Biden has previously called for a national mask mandate, and has said he will pressure governors and mayors to impose them.

“So be patriotic. It’s not about being a tough guy. It’s about doing your part,” Biden said. “Wearing a mask is not only going to protect you, it also protects those around you,” he said.

Kyle Olson is a reporter for Breitbart News. He is also host of “The Kyle Olson Show,” syndicated on Michigan radio stations on Saturdays. Listen to segments on YouTube or download full podcast episodes. Follow him on Twitter, like him on Facebook, and follow him on Parler.

17 thoughts on “Joe Biden: Governors Issuing Mask Mandates, Lockdown Orders Are ‘Patriotic’

  1. I think I figured out this mask encouragement.
    Since you accept a mask, modify it so that is captures and sequestrates your filthy, disgusting, Covid carbon dioxide breath to save the planet. Make the canisters autoclavable and charge the beejeesus out of people for emptying the biohazard and sterilizing it for another round of mammon extraction.
    If you do not comply, you are actively killing every living thing on the planet and are garbage and must be dealt with accordingly.
    Retro-fit a CPAP mask to a coffee can and make a billion dollars off the governments mandates.

    My wife thinks I’m batsh*t crazy, but if you see the softening-up of people for the implementation of something they would not agree to under normal circumstances, just pay attention to how they are making compliance a duty. They have so many ulterior motives that I’m surprised can they keep them straight.

    1. “I think I figured out this mask encouragement.
      Since you accept a mask, modify it so that is captures and sequestrates your filthy, disgusting, Covid carbon dioxide breath to save the planet. Make the canisters autoclavable and charge the beejeesus out of people for emptying the biohazard and sterilizing it for another round of mammon extraction.
      If you do not comply, you are actively killing every living thing on the planet and are garbage and must be dealt with accordingly.
      Retro-fit a CPAP mask to a coffee can and make a billion dollars off the governments mandates.”
      Deep thoughts… so funny but somehow I can see it. LOL

  2. Thank you Jesus for removing the Zionist Trump and replacing him with Communists Biden and Hillary. We prayed since Trump was elected that he would be removed. Our prayers have been answered.
    -From The Trenches Echo Chamber

  3. Interesting he “gives a crap” about “400,000 people dying” when what he and Commie Harris want to do is genocide as many as they can, here and everywhere else….since Harris’s “husband” is Jewish, will they actually enforce Noahide? (And is this “husband” Chabad?)

  4. Here in Wisconsin, one local Milwaukee news channel, lists the Covid19 rate of increase and has a graphic sidebar during the broadcast. They never fail to mention how bad Covid19 is getting, in our area. It has been quite telling as time goes by and the graph of the Covid19 rate, shows a definite decrease on weekends. What do you think Wisconsin’s answer to that situation would be? Stop the testing? Not a chance… they will soon be testing on weekends. As I have questioned in a previous post, Who are these people who insist on being tested, and driving up the public fear? It just occurred to me today to question, “what happens to those who test positive at these drive through stations?” According to Wisconsin’s “Covid19 page”, A person who tests positive is (recommended) required to quarantine for 10 days. Something isn’t right. Does any sane person believe, healthy people (nearly 8,000 per day) showing no symptoms, would wait in a line of cars only to be told that they had to stay at home, couldn’t go to work or the grocery store, for the next ten days? A mention has been made by the news media, that these test stations may also be used for the coming vaccinations. Something smells very fishy here in dairyland. Does anyone else have a suggestion? What about your area of this insane asylum? Thanks.

    1. In my area many people got tested (despite having no signs or symptoms of illness) because it’s free. Many of those same people got the flu shot because it’s free. I kid you not. People love free stuff.

      1. That’s what I was thinking Mary. There’s got to be a reason the media just can’t drop “Let’s Make a Deal” and “The Price is Right” They are both Covid19 friendly (stupid) as of this week. Thanks for your comment. As far as the free test goes, the state obviously can’t be enforcing their policy on the test victims (yet). Who would volunteer for the test, knowing it would have such an impact on their daily lives? That alone proves, it’s all a scam.

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