What if I told you carrots cure cancer?

Natural News – by Paul Fassa

Ann Cameron, an author of 15 children’s books, cured her Stage 4 cancer with carrot juice only. She states, “I believe from personal experience that carrots can cure cancer – and rapidly, without chemotherapy, radiation, or other dietary changes.”

On June 6, 2012, Ann had surgery for Stage 3 colon cancer. She had decided against chemotherapy and actually started feeling better, until about November 6, 2012. 

A routine follow-up CT scan indicated lung cancer. She was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer which had metastasized to the lungs. Her doctor predicted a two to three year life expectancy.

She was advised that radiation would be useless, and chemotherapy was recommended, but it wouldn’t extend her life.

Five Pounds of Carrots Juiced Daily

Sadly, Ann’s husband died of lung cancer in 2005, but not until they had tried about twenty recommended “substances” over a six month period. Ann embarked on an intensive research campaign to find an alternative protocol that would heal her.

In her search, she came across a man who had cured his cancer with nothing but carrots. His name was Ralph Cole, and he had cured his small squamous cell cancer (on his neck) by drinking 5 pounds of carrots juiced daily. Ralph shared his carrot curing protocol freely with anyone who would listen.

On November 17, Ann began a daily regimen of 5 pounds of juiced carrots (one quart to a quart and one-third daily). Ann juiced in the morning, drank a glass and then refrigerated the rest, which she finished off throughout the day. Ann faithfully continued juicing five pounds of carrots daily.

The only exception was every month or so when she was traveling she would forgo the carrot juice for three or four days consecutively.

Ann had no chemo, no radiation and no other dietary modifications except carrot juice. She continued eating meat and sometimes indulged in various unhealthy foods, including ice cream.

Ann cautioned, “I don’t recommend ice cream for cancer, but only want to emphasize that drinking carrot juice was the only change I made in my life, besides gratefully accepting prayers and good energy from friends and asking for wisdom and help from Whoever is up there in the Beyond.”

A PET scan (Positron Emission Tomography) on November 27, 2012, corroborated the earlier CT scan: “Enlarged swollen lymph nodes, containing two 1 inch long by 1/4 inch diameter rapidly growing tumors between the lungs.”

On January 7, 2013, after eight weeks of daily carrot juicing, another follow-up CT scan revealed that the cancerous tumors had stopped growing, there had been some tumor shrinkage and there was a reduction in swollen lymph nodes.

CT Scans

March 2013: The cancer had not grown. No new cancer, no swollen lymph nodes, and tumors continued shrinking. July 30, 2013: The cancer was gone! All swollen cancerous lymph nodes had returned to normal.


• Two weeks of daily carrot juicing: no improvement.
• Eight weeks of juicing: the cancer stopped growing and tumors began shrinking.
• Four months of juicing: all the lymph nodes in the lungs were normal.
• Eight months of juicing: all the cancer was gone!

Carrots and Cancer Research

Falcarinol is an antioxidant found in carrots and has proven anticancer properties. Researchers in the UK and Denmark reduced cancerous tumors by 1/3 in mice and rats with lab induced cancers.

Additionally, a human study found that consumption of carrot juice increased blood levels of carotenoids in breast cancer survivors. The researchers believe that increased carotenoid blood levels acts as a cancer preventive.

Sources for more information include:







About the author:
Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding them towards direction for better health with no restrictions on health freedom.


10 thoughts on “What if I told you carrots cure cancer?

  1. I’d say, “If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.” Skepticism is always warranted, even when evaluating the claims of “alternative” news.

    I’m not calling the woman a liar, but I think it’s far more likely that her cancer was fought off by her immune system than that carrots had anything to do with it. A classic fallacy is being committed here: “post hoc, ergo propter hoc” (“after this, therefore because of this”).

    Mainstream medicine definitely doesn’t always get things right, and big money undoubtedly corrupts health care just as much as other institutions. Yet on the whole, the scientific method works. There’s a reason why the average human lifespan in developed countries is decades longer today than it was in past centuries — and this is in spite of much greater contaminant levels in the environment and our food (especially processed food, which should be avoided as much as possible), and lots of fat-assed lazy people who never exercise.

    1. Why the skeptic?
      Especially since you are viewing an ‘Alternative’ Media site.

      Research, research, research.
      Don’t take science’s word for it.
      Don’t take alternative medicine’s word for it.
      Go out there and find it for yourself.

  2. 5 lbs of carrots sounds like a lot but is only a couple of large glasses a day. if you add a couple of apples it makes it sweet and its best cold.

  3. Two Amish people have been arrested since 2003 for making salves that cure. Holistic doctors are committing suicide all over the nation with no plans to off themselves that day, but that is always was is reported by MSM. Natural cures are under attack as never before. In past times did people have juicers to make that kind of carrot juice or knowledge that we have today. Most of my mother’s family died from cancer and in their 50’s and 60’s. All of them used our current medical knowledge and Big Pharma. I will not follow in their footsteps and am already amassing books and knowledge to treat cancer without stepping into a doctor’s office. If I’m going to die, they aren’t getting the money.

  4. Believe it or not Carrots have some obscure cannabinoids in them, thats right cannabinoids are mainly in the Cannabis family. but some other plants like carrots have a few. We have been hearing about Marijuana and hemp cancer cures, well this may well have some science behind it. i know of a Dr. Joyce Reilly who also used carrots to cure her breast cancer according to her.

    1. Carrots in a small amount won’t cure or stop cancer from forming. My uncle was a big carrot eater and got cancer, but I believe now he didn’t eat enough, just a normal serving after the cancer struck. But that was 20 years ago and before the Internet really got going.

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