Trump: “I Am The Law and Order Candidate”

Real Clear Politics – by Ian Schwartz

Donald Trump reacts to the police shootings in Dallas in a speech on veterans issues in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

“We must maintain law and order at the highest level, or we will cease to have a country. 100%, we will cease to have a country. I am the law and order candidate. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, is weak, ineffective, pandering, and as proven by her recent e-mail scandal, which was an embarrassment, not only to her, but to the entire nation as a whole, she’s either a liar or grossly incompetent. One or the other. Very simple,” Trump said.

“Personally, it’s probably both,” Trump added.

Watch Trump’s full speech, with a Chris Christie introduction:

7 thoughts on “Trump: “I Am The Law and Order Candidate”


  2. In the US police state, “law and order” invariably means the following:

    1. The pigs can do anything they want to the peasants, lawful or unlawful. The peasants are expected to sit there and take it, since “violence is wrong.”

    2. All peasants have to know and obey each and every one of tens of thousands of laws, or else they can be fined or imprisoned.

  3. “Real Clear Politics – by Ian Schwartz”

    LOL… May the Schwartz be with you, Chump.

    You obviously have the jew’s blessing (curse would be more like it), or you wouldn’t have gotten this far.

    Too bad for you they already chose Hitlery.

  4. Before increasing mental anything…

    The gun grabbing, false science, shiny political weapon called the DSM and those who update it, exploit it, and target people with it, must be destroyed first

    the VA is like a rotten roof with holes letting sun in to a vampire
    stop the suffering, either let the light in or put the lights out.

    Not to mention the DATA leak awhile back.
    Ya all get your thing in the mail. Right?
    we are sorry (name) we lost your data at the VA
    Why the traitors didn’t go down for that?
    If anything that’s the REAL classified data.
    if we all went to regular hospital, how would you know a vet from anyone else..

    Then if a current data dump hits isis desk, it’s much better security wise I THINK..

    Then I got zapped by OPM
    Then I got zapped by BlueShield

    The secrets are going out the windows here, it’s no wonder vets hate this world. Plug the leaks, and RULE OF LAW, would do a LOT to fix mental health.

  5. Trump said, “It’s time for hostility against law enforcement to end immediately.” Because you say so, right, Trump? Maybe there would be less of that hostility if the pigs would stop giving people damned good reasons to hate them.

    Naturally, Trump is kissing pig ass because he knows that he’ll depend on them as his enforcers if he gets into office. Every would-be tyrant knows how important it is to maintain the loyalty of his attack dogs. This is why we very rarely hear politicians condemn or even question abusive policing.

    On that same subject, I’ve been watching CNN (CIA News Network) a little bit over the past few days just to see what sort of propaganda is being spewed. It was truly nauseating to see all the copsucking by the presstitutes and a number of citizens as well. “These officers were such wonderful, selfless angels who always put other people first.” Yeah, sure they were — except when they were putting other people in prison for victimless crimes, or remaining silent while knowing of crimes committed by their “brother officers.”

    One figure who was TRULY selfless in this incident was Micah Johnson. Surely he knew that he wasn’t likely to survive his one-man assault on a small army. But he carried out his attack anyway because, evidently, he felt the crimes of the pigs demanded justice. Knowing that justice would never come through the system, he apparently allowed his anger to boil over. I doubt he’ll be the last person to do something like this, as the pigs just can’t seem to help themselves.

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