Trump’s Secret Service Agent: “Let’s Not Get Everyone Riled Up Okay?” About Dancing Israelis

Liberty Fight – by Martin Hill

[NOTE: I urge every person across the country and to read the following account, watch the video, learn from my mistakes, and confront Donald Trump on the fact that the people cheering when the Twin Towers came down on 9/11/2001 were ISRAELI JEWS, NOT MUSLIMS. They were ARRESTED by New Jersey Police Officer Scott Decarlo at GUNPOINT after a New Jersey woman saw them cheering and called 911. They were HELD In federal prison for 71 days in New York, quietly deported back to Israel, and four of them later sued U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft and the Bureau of Prisons for civil rights violations. They LOST THEIR CASE, it was thrown out of court! They later appeared on both Israeli TV and ABC’s 20/20. THEY WERE JEWS, NOT MUSLIMS. GOT IT???  

Stop LYING and saying they were Muslims. There is NO PROOF whatsoever of Muslims celebrating that day. What there IS INDISPUTABLE PROOF of, however, is these FIVE CELEBRATING JEWS. They had bombs fake passports, $5,000 cash, and boxcutters in their van. It’s in official court records. GOT IT??! Their names are Paul Kurzberg, Silvan Kurzberg, Israelis Yaron Shmuel, and Omer Gavriel Marmari. You can see full info on my article here, which Alex Jones also published on on in 2012.
“Dancing Israelis” Arrested On 9/11 Later Sued The Govt, But Lost Their Case [Featured on

Maybe Donald should be advocating restricting ISRAELI entry into the U.S. and ‘registering’ Israelis instead of what he said he wants to do, register Muslims? (ever hear of Jonathan Pollard, the Lavon Affair, or the U.S.S Liberty?]

In retrospect, if I had a chance to do it over again, I definitely would have stood up ten feet from Donald Trump and the South Carolina Attorney General and said this to them directly, it would have made international news and Trump could never again deny knowledge of the Dancing Israelis. Do it for me folks! I can’t be everywhere at once. Do IT EVERY WEEK. DO IT NOW. This week Trump is going to be in Las Vegas, Arizona, and Iowa. Check and type Trump in the search box for his latest upcoming appearances.

I had the opportunity to see Donald Trump Saturday at the University of South Carolina in Aiken. The local Aiken newspaper noted that I was the very first person in line, and interviewed me, that article is linked below. It was quite the interesting experience. I didn’t know the venue was so small, a basketball arena which holds about 2,000 people.

The Aiken Standard reported:

“Martin Hill was the first person in line to see Trump on Saturday. He arrived at the Convocation Center at 5 a.m. and waited until 10 a.m. for the Secret Service to open the doors.
Hill said he missed Trump in Texas a month or so ago, but drove to Aiken from Roanoke, Virginia.”The people of America, they see it as sort of an oligarchy that has developed in this country and they”re tired of it. They want somebody that has not sold out to special interests and I think that’s what his appeal is besides the fact that he talks like a regular man. He’s not prissy and he’s not politically correct.” Hill says he disagrees with Trump on several of his proposals, including the use of waterboarding and the Patriot Act, in addition to the ban on immigration, saying “I don’t think you should single out Muslims. I don’t really agree with that. There’s no religious test to become an immigrant.” Hill, whose wife is Mexican and did immigrate legally, said he still believes Trump is a better choice than any other candidate from the Democratic or Republican Parties.”

Before the event began the guy who introduced Trump and the South Carolina Attorney General praised the First Amendment and freedom of speech, and acknowledged that people are free to dissent. However, he noted, there is a place for dissent and it is on the grass outside the stadium set up for protesters. He also warned Trump supporters that there are protesters here and they will probably disrupt the event. He instructed the crowd what to do in that case. He said when they begin shouting, start chanting over them, “Trump! Trump! Trump!”

And that is EXACTLY what happened, and the tactic was very effective, and worked like a charm.

The first dissenters who disrupted the Trump event was a group of four twenty-somethings up in the rafters with a sign who stood up and shouted “NO Fascist USA, No KKK!”

There were four or so more people and small groups who disrupted the hour long forum after that. Trump always handled it with complete graciousness and a smile, and the police promptly escorted them out. You could not hear anything they said because the Trump crowd immediately drowned them out, chanting “Trump! Trump! Trump!”, so there was no way that anyone who dissented could be heard.

Now in my case, I do not necessarily oppose Trump. I agree with much of what he says. I am not in any way a leftist. Trump says all the right lines about gun rights, securing the border, bringing back jobs and manufacturing instead of outsourcing jobs, repealing obamacare, etc. That is all great stuff. However, as I have documented extensively, Trump is an Israel-firster, according to his own extensive admissions. He vowed to “protect Israel” in his very first campaign ad last month. He endorsed Netanyahu as a great guy in 2013, etc. (with Hebrew subtitles no less!) I don’t think Mr. Trump or any U.S. President needs to ‘defend or protect’ Israel. I think the opposite, that the U.S. president needs to protect the United States FROM Israel and their terrorism, murder, spying and treachery against the United States.

So here I actually pulled this off, here I was yesterday scoring a seat in the VERY FRONT ROW, direcly ten feet right in front of Donald Trump. WOW!

I’m not a big supporter in interrupting people’s speech, so I did not do that. Plus, as I explained above, it would have been immediately drowned out. Instead, I had a chance to talk to Donald personally afterwards, when he went around to shake hands and sign autographs. I asked him about the undue influence of the Israeli lobby.

I said “The Israel lobby has too much control of our government, can you do anything to put a stop to it?”

In other words it wasn’t an ‘attack’ against Trump, it was me on his side and him on ours, ‘Trump for America,’ asking a sincere question to see what he would say.

He looked at me again as if he had not heard what I said and I asked it again.

“The ISRAEL LOBBY IS WAY TOO POWERFUL, CAN YOU STOP IT FOR US?!” He raised his eyebrows and gave a half-shrug brush-off, as if to say ‘how do you expect me to answer that question?’ He moved on to the next person.

Since he ignored the question, I then shouted “we have a Zionist Occupied government, Trump! What are you gonna do about it??”

It was SO HORRIBLE, I can’t believe that right when I was talking to Trump my cell phone ran out of space and it did not record my question about Israel!!!! $#%^^&*(( It only recorded the first 34 seconds, when he begins to sign my Trump bumper sticker!


Excuse my French, but that is seriously f#@ked up. 🙁
I was so disappointed at my failure.

After all I did to see him and then to get a freakin’ front row seat feet away and then have him right in front of me???????

This is not the first time such a thing has happened. When I confronted Hillary Clinton about 9/11 in Beverly Hills in 2008, my video-cam battery had gone dead and I didn’t get to record any of it. However, I got lucky and it just HAPPENED to be filmed and broadcast on FOX TV via the celebrity gossip show TMZ, who caught the whole thing. TMZ is owned by Jewish homosexual lawyer and gossip-monger Harvey Levin, who used to be on ‘The People’s Court.’ (Levin is also the guy who released the video of Mel Gibson ranting baout the Jew wars in Malibu, when Mel got stopped for a DUI. The Jewish cop who had pulled Gobson over had leaked the video to Levin, the L.A. District Attorney later investigated this leak.

I SERIOUSLY need a competent audio/video team for backup on all my projects. Because I SUCK, LOL. [Well, my conversation with Newt Gingrich went pretty good, with no snafus. Look how uncomfortable his assistant gets, LOL.]

Anyway, enough of the self-bashing , regret and torment. Back to Trump.

I was very upset to have missed filming the first exchange with Trump. But I did stay there and confront him again, the video is below. I also recorded much of his Q&A with the South Carolina Attorney General, who seems like a good guy. I will post those videos later.

As he continued around the circle of people to shake hands and sign autographs I shouted to Trump about the Dancing Israelis. That was when his Secret Service man came over. They did not kick me out like they did the other 5 groups who started a ruckus during the Q&A.

Then third time I shouted to Trump about the dancing Jews , not Muslims, how Israel did 9/11, and how Israel is not our friend, ISRAEL IS OUR ENEMY. (Jonathan Pollard, Lavon Affair, U.S.S. Liberty, etc.)

One of Trump’s female supporters disagreed, adn told me “ISRAEL IS NOT OUR ENEMY!” I told her to look up the Dancing Israelis.

Another Trump supporter, an older who looked to be in her late 60s or 70s with reddish hair, you can see in the video looking towards me as I shouted. She then approached me and started talking to me, asking about the Israelis. She was actually interested. She said that she goes on the internet and was going to look it up to learn about it.

If I had to do it over again, I would have asked during towards the end of his speech. I was told it would be two hours, but it was only one, so it ended abruptly. I was closer than anyone else and I don’t dislike Trump. I like a lot of what he says, he defended the 2nd amendment, states rights, bashed Obamacare, bashed Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, etc. I didn’t want to come off as an enemy of Trump. I actually like the guy, and I am not a fan of disrupting events or of peoples speech. I do not like when people do that.

Although when the protesters dirupted trump he even said ‘we needed more of that in the past ten years.”

Got that? When Trump was interrupted he actually said WE NEEDED MORE OF THAT! In other words he said we needed more dissent, then maybe things would not have gotten as bad as they have in this country. I will post the video of him saying that later. We need more people standing up. Geez, it was as of he he was practically begging me to do it, granting me permission!

Anyway, cest la vi.

Maybe I will get another chance sometime.

I think the vid of the Secret Service guy is pretty good though, I would rate it with a grade of a C-. The other one I filmed that didn’t come out asking Trump about the Izzy lobby would have been a Mega A ++ , would have gone super viral worldwide and would have made me a FORTUNE on youtube, ;-( . Ugh. Oh well, thanks for reading.

Here is the video.:

3 thoughts on “Trump’s Secret Service Agent: “Let’s Not Get Everyone Riled Up Okay?” About Dancing Israelis

  1. Right idea, wrong venue. He sounds like a lunatic which reflects upon all of us in the Patriot movement. I can’t fault him for his sincere efforts, but, how does that help the cause? Just an observer looking for answers, but this ain’t one of them.

  2. The author’s right about the five dancing Israelis. They were apprehended at the time, as were another group of Israelis on the G. Washington bridge with a van load of explosives. All were quietly released and they ran back to Israel, and yes, they did appear on TV admitting they were in NYC “to document the event”.

    But the author’s an idiot because he has an autographed Trump bumper sticker, even after his own little chat with the man should have revealed that he’s just another Zionist tool.

    His attempt to change the well-documented “dancing Israelis” into Muslims is more than enough proof of that.

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