CNN Anchor Calls Out Jews as Terrorists


CNN Anchor Ashleigh Banfield tried to compare it to the abuses of innocent Jews. In making the argument that banning Moslems was the same as banning Jews, she listed off Jewish terrorist attacks against America.  

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer

Well, this is fun.

While interviewing a former Reagen employee and current Trump supporter, Jeffery Lord, CNN’s  Anchor Ashleigh Banfield tried to compare it to the abuses of innocent Jews. In making the argument that banning Moslems was the same as banning Jews, she listed off Jewish terrorist attacks against America.

“From a period of 1980 to 1985 there were a reported 18 terror attacks committed in the United States by Jews, 15 of them committed by the Jewish Defense League,” Banfield said. “The head of the Jewish Defense league was in jail awaiting trial … accused of trying to bomb a mosque in Culver City, trying to bomb [US Congressman] Darrel Issa’s office, an Arab-American.”

Jews are of course flipping out. You aren’t ever supposed to mention that Jews are terrorists. It’s anti-Semitic.

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4 thoughts on “CNN Anchor Calls Out Jews as Terrorists

    1. ” So what are they up to now…”

      The guy’s statement to the anchor after she speaks of Jews is, Yeah, but Jews aren’t trying to take over the world.

      Could this be the catch in this” what looks like a slam on Jews?”

  1. I think this is an attempt to convince the public that Jews are treated fairly by the media.

    I don’t think this bimbo anchor says anything that isn’t scripted, and if she was genuinely interested in exposing Israeli terrorism, she would have started with, or at least mentioned the USS Liberty, or their many documented connections to 9-11.

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