The Doubs river flows normally in Franche-Comté, France. But since about a week or so, the river has totally dried up over a length of more than 1 km, between Pontarlier and Morteau, although precipitation has been abundant this winter and spring. The river has disappeared, and with it, the fauna and flora. Everything is dead. Two weeks ago, 13km of the Risle River in Normandy also disappeared underground in a large crater. According to geologists, this unprecedented event is due to large cracks and craters in the riverbed.
The cave of Remonot is located near the village of Morteau along the Doubs. Dedicated to the Virgin Mary, this Chapel-Cave contains miraculous water and is visited each year on August 15, 2018, day of the Assumption. But during this year’s annual pilgrimage, the cave was dry! The first time ever!
Nearby, the Doubs river is also dry. No water, just pebbles and dead fish.
Residents explain they have never seen this before. The river has disappeared over more than 1 kilometer, and with it, the fauna and flora. Everything is dead. The president of a local fishing association reports having experienced such a situation during the severe drought of 1976. But now, it’s different… there was a lot of snow and water this winter. This situation is totally insane and ANOMALOUS!
Now, geologists say the river disappearance is due to large cracks in the karstic riverbed, which empty the river underground like a siphon. It is perhaps the important spring floods that washed away the sediment patches that blocked the holes and fissures.
After disappearing, the Doubs than re-enters the Loue, the other large river in the region. So the cracks kind of link the two rivers?!?
Two weeks ago, 13km of the Risle River also disappeared suddenly in Normandy, after a big sinkhole openened up in the riverbed:
But now, everybody is just wondering when will the rivers reappear again! Well, it may take longer than you think guys!
Sounds like the Colorado…
Wonder if they are fracking nearby.
Or one too many DUMBs close by?
Large cracks…
Large crackz….
Well… I’ll tell ya a fkng traumatic large crack nightmare….
Ok… I need a mtherfnkg drum roll goddamint.
Fine… be that way.
I don’t need your drum roll pity.
Ughhh ladies. .. close your browser.
The largest crack I ever saw was my sonz head popping out of my x wife