Ukraine claims it needs $750 billion more to ‘Build Back Better’

Substack – by Jordan Schachtel

A new US-funded report out of Kiev assesses $108.3 billion in economic damages for Ukraine, but requests a 7x replenishment of $750 billion so that the country can “Build Back Better.” 

The Kyiv School of Economics has released a new assessment claiming that Ukraine will need hundreds of billions of dollars to “Build Back Better” from its war against Russia.

As of August 1, 2022, the new update from the Ukrainian institution assesses $108.3 billion in economic damages from the war, roughly the equivalent of the country’s gross domestic product in 2020.

But as you’ll see in a moment, those damages are rookie numbers. In this era of money printing madness, Ukraine has much more ambitious plans than simply replacing damaged infrastructure. These “expert” economists are about to send the tab soaring.

The study says Ukraine will need a bare minimum of $185 billion, almost twice the amount in damages, in order to repair the nation, citing what they refer to as the “Build Back Better principle.” The slogan was popularized by The World Economic Forum, and is used by governments to refer to their plans to impose digital tyranny and accomplish ESG-compliant objectives.

Ukraine is seeking the “modernization of assets that have not suffered damage and destruction,” the report adds That request will mark up the economic aid request to the tune of $750 billion dollars.

Notably, President Volodomyr Zelensky’s office has previously cited the exact $750 billion number, but claimed it was the total cost of losses. “Now we are working on a long-term plan for the recovery of Ukraine. It defines the list of national reconstruction programs. We have incorporated the Build Back Better principle into this plan,” Zelensky’s deputy said last month.

At the end of the report, we find that the robust damages assessment is not an independent effort. In fact, it is funded by the U.S. taxpayer, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

The “assessment” is just the latest document that advances the continuing global campaign to solicit funds for the rebuilding, reconstruction, and “modernization” of Ukraine, despite the fact that the war is ongoing. There has been a concerted effort in the D.C. lobbying and military contracting space to score massive funds for the “reconstruction” effort.

Meanwhile in D.C., Congress is beginning  to whip the votes for a new funding round for Ukraine, yet very few lawmakers having any idea where the first $40 billion ended up.

The Biden Administration continues to send regular military assistance to Ukraine, depleting U.S. stockpiles in the process, and it hasn’t helped the country turn the tide of the war. On Monday, the White House authorized an additional $550 million in weaponry for Kiev.

Pics are here: Substack

4 thoughts on “Ukraine claims it needs $750 billion more to ‘Build Back Better’

  1. $750 billion this week, another $800 billion next week. By the end of the year, I think we will have given more money to Ukraine in one year than our own country even makes in a few years. This proxy war and Hollywood/CIA owned, wag the dog puppet Zelensky has gone on far too long. It’s plain as day that this is all a government funded war by proxy without having to have a declaration of war by Congress. It’s the official Communist loophole for every invasion and war since the Vietnam War because they know the American people never want to go to war for some Corporate and/or Commie interests, so they have to rebrand it another way to force them to go along with it. It started as a few hundred billion dollars one month and then after the outrage subsided and other things cropped up, they just continued to give away money knowing the frog has already been slowly boiled and has gotten used to it all. They do this all the time. It’s disgusting.

  2. I recall bath house Barry lamenting mini Bush for spending 800 billion to run the corporation for a year. Where are we now 9 ? 12 ? 16 trillion ? I’m fine with Ukraine staying just the way it is.


  3. Some are saying that Poland will be the new Ukraine, once Ukraine is finished.
    Guess we’ll have to see.

  4. The good American citizens love a good cause, and humanitarian crises, and something to donate to in the supermarket checkout line. They’re making a difference, standing up for injustice, and teaching those bad guys a lesson!

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