UN Forces have officially landed, and INVADED Canadian soil


20 Feb 2022

⁣⁣It appears that the rumors are TRUE…The UN Forces have officially landed, and INVADED Canadian soil with permission from their dictator Trudeau. According to reports, they are apparently disguising themselves as police in Ottawa!

4 thoughts on “UN Forces have officially landed, and INVADED Canadian soil

    1. mm mmm mm.. I don’t know how much more they have to do to get people mad. not one bad guy has been shot or killed (that we know) and they’re already landing UN planes. I don’t understand why people ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to even remotely a little bit consider violence.. to kill anyone!! video after video of them MURDERING us and….. nothing. I don’t want a buncha people slaughtered but it’s starting to look like we’re all gonna get what we deserve. if they land UN planes in Birmingham.. my whole existence will change. I’m miserable as it is.. i damn sure ain’t gonna twiddled my thumbs while they make it worse! or video it!!!

  1. Well let’s say it again like we mean it & make it happen because only one thing will stop them…


    Any & all flags flown by “protesters” from now on in EVERY country should have only the FULL words that those letters stand for on them if you must carry a flag because this is a worldwide problem & struggle. Those words should drive your actions! WE WILL WIN THIS!!!

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