Unvaccinated people are declaring themselves ‘Purebloods’

New York Post – by Hannah Sparks

Some anti-vaxxers have proclaimed themselves “Purebloods” in a campaign of biological supremacy against those who received the COVID-19 vaccine.

“From now on, I refuse to be referred to as ‘unvaccinated,’” said conservative influencer Lyndsey Marie in a post last week. “I want everyone to now call me Pureblood.”

Her hashtags included #harrypotter, #pureblood and #unvaccinated.

Marie is most likely referring to a term more recently popularized by the “Harry Potter” series, which saw wizards and warlocks with the most magical progeny assigned as “purebloods” or “half-bloods” — as opposed to “muggles,” mere humans who practice magic.

Marie’s video has since racked up more than 396,000 views as she’s also promised followers a new line of merchandise emblazoned with “PUREBLOOD; Unmasked, Unvaxxed, Unafraid.”

Hashtag #pureblood has currently over 55 million views — a vast majority of which are good-faith Harry Potter fans. But a few users latched on to Marie’s movement.

“In like five, 10 years, maybe less, all the people who are unvaccinated — we’re gonna be hunted,” warned TikTokker @Leeannstar23, according to a Vice News story published Wednesday. The user has since removed the post.

“It’s gonna be like ‘Resident Evil.’ We’re gonna be the antidote, because everyone else is fucked, and we’re gonna be the only ones with pure blood,” they suggested.

The term is gaining steam elsewhere on social media. “Pureblood Patriots. Listen to me. The Great State of Mississippi will fight this discrimination. We welcome you all,” announced one self-appointed state spokesperson.

More than 63% of Americans have received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine, according to the Centers for Disease Control COVID Data Tracker. That leaves a cohort of more than 36% so-called “purebloods.”

Meanwhile, critics are using the same hashtag to take shots at the anti-vax “Nazis.”

“If you’re going to call yourself “pure blood”, don’t be shocked when we call you a nazi,” wrote Twitter user @dr_re_arranged, in response to the burgeoning trend. The tweet included a screenshot describing the “blood purity” dogma of Nazi Germany.

One user who won’t be bothered turned the buzzword into a Foreigner-inspired ditty.

To the tune of “Hotblooded,” they wrote, “They’re #pureblood-ed / Check it and see / Not just anti-vax / But also Nazi.”


11 thoughts on “Unvaccinated people are declaring themselves ‘Purebloods’

  1. if you haven’t taken the poison jab , than you don’t have the spike proteins in your blood stream, or the chemical concoction these sick fcks want you to die from

    well, you definitely don’t want any blood from the jabbed if you need it
    find the like minded people in your circle of family or friends that have a blood type that is compatible with yours ,, because if you ever need it , you should have a list of who can donate to you .. unless you want that shit in your blood stream

    1. Yep, by design. That’s why they’re helping the term to gain traction because everyone hates a not-see so it automatically causes revulsion and paints anyone who opposes the jab as one.

        1. We are not the f-king jews. We are the American nationals and there was a holocaust in Russia and China and Cambodia and Iraq. They are not going to do shit to us. It is we who are going to be doing the doing.

        2. Nope, definitely not the “joos”. Why don’t you use the proper word? Are you scared? Don’t want to offend someone? It’s jews! And we’re not nazis either. I think pureblood is not that bad of a term & on the face of it quite apt in the current situation but see how quickly the propagandists get people fighting over it? I personally wouldn’t use it though more because of its ties to the silly Harry Potter stuff than any other reason.

  2. So they want to call Pureblood/Anti-vaxxers, NAZIS.

    Oh brother, talk about childish reactions. They really have nothing left to attack us with. They’ve ran out of ideas and words to fight people with. Now it’s just sheer desperation. Truly sad.

    1. Agreed. Expect the silly word play & childish behavior from the poisoned ones to increase to fever pitch as they get more & more desperate. It is very much the “Covid Cult” afterall & the brain-damaged followers most definitely are “Covidiots”.

  3. I am proud to say, Im a clean bloodeed American National robbed blind kicked to the curb IAM MAD No DOUBT FKN PISSED

    1. Honest as I can be … This website saved my life TY angry now more than ever… not sure how to handle it much longer.

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