US Signs Commitment With Israel to Uphold Military Edge

Anti-War – by Dave DeCamp

Potential F-35 sales to Gulf states have driven US officials to take extra steps to guarantee Israel’s military superiority over its neighbors, known as the Qualitative Military Edge (QME).

On Thursday, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz met at the Pentagon and signed a joint declaration affirming Washington’s commitment to ensure Israel’s QME

“I want to state, again, how committed we are to Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge when it comes to defense sales, and our commitment to Israel’s security, which has been longstanding and it’s guaranteed and ironclad,” Esper said.

Details of the declaration are not clear, and it may be largely symbolic since maintaining Israel’s QME is already mandated by US law. A source from the meeting told The Jerusalem Post that an agreement was formulated to further Israeli acquisitions of US weapons.

The US sale of F-35 fighter jets to the UAE that is rumored to be part of Abu Dhabi’s normalization agreement with Israel was initially objected to by Israeli officials. But now, Israel could be angling to get some new weapons out of the deal. In September, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu submitted a wishlist of advanced weaponry to President Trump worth $8 billion.

The F-35 sale has met resistance in Congress, with upholding Israel’s QME being a top priority on both sides of the aisle. A group of bipartisan lawmakers introduced a bill in the House that would effectively give Israel veto powers over US arms sales to the Middle East.



3 thoughts on “US Signs Commitment With Israel to Uphold Military Edge

  1. Illegal as hell because it does nothing to help any American Nationals well being, only helps to continue to fill pockets of traitors here in America by kick back schemes while funding more tyranny. America must pull together to stop this, as it is only killing American freedom.


  2. Again our fearless leaders are doing for Isreahell and screwing the tax payers and kissing jew ass. If all the wheeling and dealing was focused on taking care of this country there wouldn’t be such a homeless and unemployment problem here. These asswipes are making bigtime cash and what ever side deals.I wonder how much money changed hands.

  3. Why? Who cares about the Zionist genocidal maniacs who occupied Palestine and illegally changed its country’s name to ISRAEL, dammit!!!

    Screw them! No one cares about them murdering psychopaths!

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