US Supreme Court To Decide “Gay Marriage” In 2015

Occidental Dissent – by Hunter Wallace

It sure is a great thing that we are so blessed to live in a “republic” with a Supreme Court that has a 5-4 “conservative majority.” Striking down this “gay marriage” nonsense ought to be a snap, right?

“The swing vote remains Kennedy, who has authored the last three major rulings advancing the cause of gay rights. On one hand, he has defended voter-approved constitutional amendments, most recently in a Michigan case last year that upheld the state’s ban against racial preferences in university admissions. But he struck down the federal same-sex marriage ban as an affront to the constitutional rights of gays and lesbians.”  

Note: Conservatism has thrived for centuries under American-style “constitutional conservatism,” hasn’t it?

3 thoughts on “US Supreme Court To Decide “Gay Marriage” In 2015

  1. The federal government has no business making any decisions regarding marriage or any other personal matters. Nothing in the Constitution refers to marriage. Those are matters that are supposedly within the jurisdiction and culture of the states and their localities.

  2. They can decide whatever they want. It will still only have any (perceived) validity inside the matrix.

    Can’t wait to hang these traitors.

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