3 thoughts on “US/Canada Radiation Update, Nov. 24, 2013

  1. There is no escape from this if you understand the connection between us and the Earth. As he mentioned the food, soil and water. Air travels all over the world so does water. All this could mean is the west coast gets it first. Everyone else later. There is not one state in the 48 inter continental areas that has not had some kind of radiation level. Some very small others higher. Since food is shipped in and around and out for our country with this global infrastucture there is no escaping the radiation. Moving can only change the timing of it. Strawberries come mainly from California and Florida. California has been hit already with high radiation readings and Florida low but present just the same. There is no safe radiation levels.

    Back when I was young say about 7, shoe stores had florescent machines that showed the bones in your feet. It was the latest craze and kids had a ball with it. I know because I was one of them. Fortunately I did not live in the city so my exposure was very limited. Over time the sales people came down with cancer and when they discovered the root of it the machines were removed over time and that was that. The actual exposure to this machine was very small as to danger of radiation poisoning however, over time and continued exposure did its work.

    Any further problems will only increase the radiation around the world until the world in total is poisoned. Look at the Pacific Ocean, is that not pretty much ruined. How much of that ocean comes to land in the form of rain?

    There is no escaping this for anyone unless you are underground for thousands of years. That is that.

  2. I read that the first try at this was successful. If true, maybe they can pull this off.
    Its weird tho, as Susan says, its planet over if they mess up. Weird how most of the planet is doomed by one mistake made, and very few even know about it. I know I am going way overboard here, just sayin, their is a theory that those that run things are some type of non human entity and can live in the radiation. I am not a believer of that, because I dont know, but its an interesting theory if you study history and past cultures.

    1. There are tons of rods involved here. The greater the problem or the longer a problem takes the greater the chance of error. The odds are against this being a success. I know you think I am negative but I see it as reality. Murphy doesn’t help either.

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