Vaccine injured man let’s rip into UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak over his & others Covid vaccine injuries. Clearly a calculated move in letting this happen, 3 years too late & of course we get a stock answer from the PM – he knows they’ve all been silenced & censored along with the other millions that have suffered post vaccine.

3 thoughts on “Vaccine injured man let’s rip into UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak over his & others Covid vaccine injuries. Clearly a calculated move in letting this happen, 3 years too late & of course we get a stock answer from the PM – he knows they’ve all been silenced & censored along with the other millions that have suffered post vaccine.

  1. Aside from being the UK’s ex-Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak is a WEF member. Note that second letter “E.” It’s the great indicator that for those in that organization the ECONOMY is more than likely foremost in their minds, so I doubt that alleviating the suffering of the “vaccine-injured” is a high priority on Rishi’s list. And Rishi just so happens to have a net worth of $4.5Billion. Well, that was as of 2022 anyway. It must have grown since then. The speaker came to shame him; I believe he knows he won’t get any help there.


    1. Oops, sorry, Rishi is still prime minister.

      Well, how the heck am I supposed to keep up with everything that’s going on over there? Ha. Anyhow, most everybody knows, all politicians are puppets.


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