Video: Klaus Schwab’s Top Advisor Says This Is The End Of Human History And Accidentally Reveals Who Will Destroy Us

By Sarah Hall – Redstatenation

The world is on the verge of a new AI religion created by artificial intelligence like ChatGPT, end times villain Yuval Noah Harari recently said.

Yuval Noah Harari from an end times perspective is a fascinating figure, like Klaus Schwab, he is a near-cartoon character pulled in from Central Casting in Hollywood, only he’s real and what he represents is sinister and terrifying. Your King James Bibles tells you that the majority of the Jews in the time of Jacob’s trouble will follow the Antichrist to not only worship him but to work with him as well. These are the people that the book of Revelation lays out for you so very clearly, and Yuval Noah Harari is one of those people.

Klaus Schwab’s lead adviser Yuval Noah Harari also said this: “This is the end of human history. Not the end of history, but the end of a history dominated by humanity. The story will go on, but someone else will control it.”

If there was no video evidence this would have been called a conspiracy or fake news but luckily we have him on video!

Video below:

He openly talks about our end and slips who will end our dominance!

In a not-so-distant future when hunger, war and epidemics are no longer the agents of widespread death, and with the help of bio-engineering, cyborgs and non-organic beings, the human species will no longer exist in its present form but make way for a non-mortal, man-god without an expiration date. Such beings could simply keep on living — or at least until they’re killed by a mishap or in war.

This is the hypothetical future sketched out in Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, by Yuval Noah Harari and based on current technological developments. In this imagined world, men and women could lose their economic value, family dynamics would shift as both parents and children become non-mortal, algorithms could end up knowing us better than we do ourselves, and a person’s place in society could be determined by genetic engineering, nanotechnology and the brain-computer interface.

Let’s hope his wish will not come true!

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