Video shows NJ Transit cop drag, punch man on ground outside Trenton train station – by Sophie Nieto-Munoz

NJ Transit officials are investigating a video that surfaced of a transit police officer dragging a man and punching him in the head Saturday night outside the Trenton Transit Center, authorities said Monday.

The minute-long video shows the NJ Transit police officer attempting to pick the man up before throwing him to the ground, yelling “get up and get out now” repeatedly while using profanities. 

About 25 seconds into the video, the man appears to stop moving and the officer makes a call. He resumes screaming at the man to get up before dragging him again. The officer punching the man in the head as he remained on the ground with his head partially inside his sweatshirt.

“The unresponsive man was accosted and had his face brutally slammed into the pavement for no other apparent reason that the power trip of the Transit police officer,” the caption attached to the original video said. “There was no resistance at all.”

NJ Transit officials said the matter is being investigated by the department’s internal affairs. The officer has been placed on administrative suspension pending the results, officials said.

The video, which was taken around 10:30 p.m. Saturday, has been shared on Facebook more than 1,000 times and has more than 300 comments.

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