‘Wake up! Stand up! This is America!’: Restaurant owner interrupts news broadcast, urges resistance to COVID-19 state ‘tyranny’

The Blaze – by Dave Urbanski

Dave Morris saw the news camera and reporter in front of his Michigan restaurant Wednesday and apparently decided he wasn’t going to wait to be interviewed.

Instead he walked up and interrupted WWMT-TV’s segment on restaurant owners defying a statewide ban on indoor dining — and it turns out Morris has been doing just that.

“My government leaders have abandoned me,” Morris — who owns D&R Daily Grind in Portage — told the reporter.

He added to the station that since opening up his establishment for indoor dining Friday, he’s seen a record number of customers — and he wants other business owners to open up, too.

“We’ve got a government that has taken the stimulus money, they gave it to special campaign donors, they gave it to special interests,” Morris told WWMT. “They abandoned me, and they have put me in a position where I have to fight back.”

Bar and restaurant owners are saying they’re feeling the pain of the dine-in ban after the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services passed an epidemic order, which was set to expire Dec. 9, the station noted.

But Morris has had enough, telling WWMT he’s tired of restrictions putting businesses like his in danger of closing.

The Michigan Restaurant and Lodging Associations filed a lawsuit to stop the order banning indoor dining, but a federal judge ruled Wednesday that restaurants can’t open safely and successfully, the station said.

But Morris has been defying the order and wants others to do the same, calling state actions a “tyranny.”

“I feel everybody needs to stand up,” Morris told WWMT, adding that fellow business owners should “Wake up! Stand up! This is America! Be free!”

He added to the station that he received a cease-and-desist letter from the Kalamazoo County health department, but Morris said business has been booming, so he would be staying open.

“They want me to go down and be quiet and never hear from me again,” Morris told WWMT. “I am not going to put up with it. It’s time to rise up. Shut it all down or don’t shut any of us down. That’s the only way to get control of a virus.”

Businesses that defy the state’s orders face a daily fine of $1,000 — and the station said Morris was was up to $6,000 as of Wednesday.

The Blaze

2 thoughts on “‘Wake up! Stand up! This is America!’: Restaurant owner interrupts news broadcast, urges resistance to COVID-19 state ‘tyranny’

  1. “My government leaders have abandoned me,” Bullshit you’ve abandoned yourself by believing these people are even your leaders. You are your OWN leader. Read the Bill of Rights and you realize YOU are an American Nation and not a slave. The ‘jew’ screaming to close everything is an enemy of the people.
    The ‘police’ should not even exist. Nevermind showing up to arrest you for not following illegal edicts from the stinking ‘jews’.


    1. Bout Fu%+÷#@ time someone grew some balls and isnt paid off!! If I lived by there I would help stand guard n keep the satanic criminal cartel away from there.

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