We Will Not Comply with i594 – Pass the word. WE STAND!

posterGav Seim

  • Date: 12/13/14
  • Time: 11am
  • Location: WA State Capital, Gateway Park. 416 Sid Snyder Ave SW Olympia, WA

On Nov 4th 2014 a new gun law was passed in Washington that will make as much as handing a friend your gun a felony. We will not tolerate this law and I am going to do what I said I would do in my video.  

Will you bow down and lick the boots of tyrants, or will you stand for the liberty of your children?

We’re not waiting for politicians, judges or lawyers. Our birthright is NOT to be touched. We call on our Sheriffs, local representatives and legislators to stand with us and uphold their oaths. The Constitution is the supreme law and our God given rights are NOT open for negotiation. We choose to uphold the law as peacefully and principled as possible, but it will be upheld.

We will buy and sell guns from whom we please, we will not submit to background checks, we will not give up our rights, WE WILL NOT Comply.

On Dec 13th we will hold our first rally at the capital, openly exchange guns, unveil and plan to break apart the entire legislation and violate i594 in every possible way. Because ALL law that violates the Constitution is not law, it is VOID!

This is our time Washington. Lets show the world how liberty is done.

2 thoughts on “We Will Not Comply with i594 – Pass the word. WE STAND!

  1. I heard on a talk show today (sunday) that the NRA did next to nothing to oppose this, running only one ad on tv. I don’t live in WA so maybe this is misleading; however, it would not be surprising.

  2. “I will not comply” means that you better be ready to SHOOT. Anything else will just be LAUGHED AT by the Police State Roided types and then the whining will begin. War is coming. The Republirats will do nothing. They helped with all of the rest of the trash going through. The NRA is a sell out from the get go. They are Bushite Butt Lickers. Remember when GHWB quit the NRA in 88 because the NRA was being “taken over” by crazy no compromise people like Neal Knox? Buy more ammo every time we see an article like this. It is a great way to vote and regulate your purchases. More is better. Liberty1775

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