When Israel bombed the first hospital in Gaza the world would not believe it. Israel said it was a misfired Hamas rocket and the mainstream media went into protection mode. Israel has now destroyed all 36 hospitals, and bombed multiple refugee camps in Gaza… and not a single word of condemnation from the mainstream media or western governments…

One thought on “When Israel bombed the first hospital in Gaza the world would not believe it. Israel said it was a misfired Hamas rocket and the mainstream media went into protection mode. Israel has now destroyed all 36 hospitals, and bombed multiple refugee camps in Gaza… and not a single word of condemnation from the mainstream media or western governments…

  1. not even Russia China or North Korea.. interesting how NO ONE has had a belly full of them yet!! the “Arab nations” shoulda coulda obliterated this scourge long ago. the fact that they haven’t speaks volumes. they could destroy them before the US Lapdog even woke up!! but they haven’t.. they won’t. it’s not mathematically possible for EVERYONE to be afraid or just subservient to them. I think it just proves we live in a Matrix..

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