Making Your Own Deodorant

Pioneer Living

Making your own deodorant is a great way to save money. Instead of paying a couple dollars for a stick of deodorant at the store, you can make your own for pennies.

Just follow the directions below and watch our Video to see how.  

Homemade Deodorant Recipe

You’ll need:
• 3 Tbl Cup Coconut Oil
• 1/4 Cup Baking Soda
• 2 Tbl Soy Wax or Beeswax Pellets
• 13/4 Cup Cornstarch
• Empty Deodorant Tube

3 thoughts on “Making Your Own Deodorant

  1. Good recipe for a stick deodorant. I just use plain generic milk of magnesia. I fill a squeezable 3-ounce dispensing travel tube with a screw-on cap (can get them at Wally World) with the generic MOM. A couple drops each underarm and that’s it. A bottle of MOM lasts a long time and is cheap. Just be sure to shake the bottle really well to mix it up each time before filling the dispensing tube.

  2. The stench that you’re trying to prevent is caused by a bacteria that grows on sweat, which is only present if you eat red meat. (if you got all your protein from chicken and fish, you wouldn’t need deodorant at all)

    And since it takes time for this bacteria grow into something odoriferous, frequent bathing (when it’s possible) is usually enough to keep it check.

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