Wolf meets with Oath Keepers / CIA Spy confirms Sandy Hook and Boston bombing “false flags”

David Weiss, Wolfgang Halbig and Tim Rothschild (no relation to the banksters)Veterans Today – by Jim Fetzer, Dr. Eowyn and David Weiss

Wolfgang Halbig converted nearly 200 “Oath Keepers” during a presentation on Long Island, including many New York State Police, EMTs and other experts in this domain.

He was accompanied by David Weiss, who has composed a summary of the event, which I am now publishing here. And we have a video that goes with it.  

In addition, we have discovered a manual that appears to be the op plan for the Sandy Hook exercise, which Obama admin officials in the Department of Education have confirmed was a drill where no children died that was done to promote an anti-gun agenda.

And a former CIA spook has declared that Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing were “false flag” occurrences, where a staged event is presented as done by others to influence a target audience. He identifies several “indicators” that it was not a real event.

Dr. Eowyn, who has done exceptional studies of Sandy Hook, presents her analysis of what he had to say during an interview with Alex Jones, during where (as an insider) he confirms what we have been publishing at Veterans Today and on Dr. Eowyn’s personal blog.

The Wolf is on the prowl

Wolfgang W. Halbig came to an Oath Keepers meeting in Long Island NY on Monday, 6 October 2014, to discuss the evidence of the Sandy Hook massacre actually being an elaborate illusion pulled off by people within FEMA, Homeland Security and the highest levels of our government. He presented to a packed room of 150-200 persons, of whom about half were law enforcement and EMS workers. Prior to the presentation, I had (David Weiss) interviewed a few random people on their thoughts on Sandy Hook and all of them said they only know the official story of a lone gunman killing 26 people and they were here to hear a presentation on what really happened. They had no idea what they were about to hear. Wolfgang presented for just over 2 hours followed up by a Q&A. There were intelligent questions asked in search of an alternative reason things might have happened but the answers brought every point back to the undeniable conclusion that the official story was just that, an impossible story. By the end everyone there was wide awake to the mass deception played out on the world on 14 December 2012.

YouTube – Veterans Today –

Many people out there have different opinions of Wolfgang from him being an agent for the PTB to not agreeing with his methods of investigation. If you don’t like his methods, that is your opinion and you have every right to it but if you think he is an agent out to crush the truth movement, thats where I step in and tell you that you are very mistaken. I (David Weiss) met Wolfgang after his first interview (with Dave Gahary) to go viral on YouTube. I helped him set up a PayPal account, which he had no Idea how to do and later his GoFundMe crowd funding account. The man has no ties to anyone that is out to stop truth. He has no agenda other than to expose the fraud at Sandy Hook. He has risked his life and his family relationships over this and has not gained a personal penny. In fact he has spent much of his own money. Love him or hate him, he is giving it his all and is a true American patriot and hero.

The FEMA Drill document

Originally we came across a Youtube video showing the attached document describing a FEMA drill scheduled for 12/13/12 that would be reviewed as a real-time event on 12/14/12. It certainly would be a smoking gun, if it could be determined to be authentic. An administrator from the “Sandy Hook HOAX” FaceBook page reached out to the YouTuber to see where he obtained the document. He explained that he was crawling the web with a specific browser looking for interesting stuff and found this:

YouTube – Veterans Today –

If this document is real–and it describes an event that begins at 8:00 AM and ends at 11:59 PM, which corresponds with the Sandy Hook timeline, which reinforces such an inference–then there are two alternatives as to how it came to be discovered: either (1) it wasn’t hidden well enough and someone found a way in; or (2) someone involved purposely leaked it to anonymously blow the whistle.

An additional reason to believe that this might be the manual for staging the event is that a bill before the Connecticut State Legislature provides compensation for the stress and anxiety endured by those who were within the vicinity of Sandy Hook Elementary School between 9 AM and 11:59 PM when it occurred, which is the same time specified in (what appears to be) the actual manual for its conduct and represents what should properly be interpreted as yet another form of bribery to not expose the scam:

Bill to compensate : another bribe

While meta-data embedded in the PDF shows a creation date of 10/8/12, that isn’t difficult to fake. You would only need to reset your computer to that date and create a new PDF. That is reminiscent of the sting on Dan Rather, who discovered a fitness report on George W. Bush wile serving in the Texas Air National Guard. He vetted it thoroughly by verifying its contents, word by word, with the secretary who typed it and the officer who had dictated it.

YouTube – Veterans Today –

But one of W’s handlers–probably Karen Hughes–had already discovered it and had it retyped, so that when Dan Rather presented his expose on television, they immediately declared it to be a fake because it had been types using a font that IBM only introduced after the date of the document itself. Most Americans, hearing that the document was fake, mistakenly inferred that its contents must therefore be false. This manual may be meant to be a sting of that kind.


Former CIA Spy: Sandy Hook and Boston Bombing were false flags


Robert David Steele, 62, is a former CIA clandestine services case officer known for his promotion of open source intelligence. He was a candidate for the Reform Party‘s nomination for President of the United States in the 2012 presidential election. (Click here for his bibliography and media appearances.)Steele is the founder and publisher of Public Intelligence Blog.

In a recent interview with Alex Jones of InfoWars, Steele confirms everything FOTM has said about the Sandy Hook school massacre on December 14, 2012, and the Boston Marathon bombings on April 15, 2013 — that they were false flag events.

A “false flag” event is some traumatic public incident that is:

  • False: The public are given an untruthful version of the event by the government and the media. The falsity can range from no one actually had been killed or hurt (it was all theater); to some of the alleged victims are real; to all the alleged victims are real but the alleged perpetrator(s) is a fall guy who was set up by the “real” conspirators behind the scenes.
  • Results in a “rallying around the flag” effect: Whatever the true nature of the “false flag” event, the objective is to arouse and manipulate the emotions (fear, anger, outrage, indignation) of the American people so that they’ll “rally around the flag” in an outburst of patriotism, supplying the current White House occupant and his (and his party’s) policies with their support and loyalty.

Below is the video of the interview, followed by the transcript of Steele’s words, interspersed with links to the relevant FOTM posts.

YouTube – Veterans Today –

Beginning at the 6:03 mark, Steele said:

“From where I sit, both the [Sandy Hook Elementary] school in Connecticut and the Boston Bombing were false flag operations.

“The school in Connecticut had been closed for years. There were no students, no teachers, no parent-teacher associations. The paramedics were not allowed into the school. From where I sit, that was a complete false flag. It was a drill. But … others have exposed the actors who were involved, financial relations with the families that were allegedly victimized, who had their homes bought and were then given exit pass. All of that is on the record, but you don’t see the media covering that.”


Steele continues: “Boston bombing, for me, the truthteller was when the rabbis and the priests rushed to comfort the wounded and they were not allowed to get near any of the wounded. That, in intelligence, we call an indicator. And then you add to that the fact there were no, I mean no, wounded people taken to hospitals. And finally, you add to that the big to-do about the amputee. He turned out to be a hired actor for a company that specializes at putting amputees into battle field simulations. False flag. Boston was a practice attempt to lock down an entire city.”


Beg. at the 8:44 mark, Steele said: “the actual bomb was a theatrical device. You don’t buy gun powder at a fireworks store to create a bomb. It just is not done. I had my explosive ordinance people look at this. Everybody laughed at this. This was school kids stuff. THERE WAS NO BOMB. There were no injuries. This was a false flag.”

See “Were Boston Marathon bombings a false flag? – Part 2: The bomb drill

Steele continues: “And now we’re seeing 9/11 unravel, and Richard Gates getting on CSPAN. Basically, the American public is starting to wake up, and all of these little things that they could have gotten away with are now starting to collapse because of the Internet, because of guys like you, because of people like me and my contributing editors. And so I think we’re coming to the end of the road here. I do believe, and I really want to stress here, I think 95% of the people in the U.S. government are good people trapped in a bad system. But the last 5% are doing some evil, pathologically sick things, including murdering U.S. citizens. And that’s the part that I’m starting to see signs of encouragement. For example … the court has finally just refused to accept [Eric Holder] Attorney General’s assurances about secret state documents, and for the first time in modern history the court is saying to the executive, ‘You have to show us these secret documents. We will not make you make claims without showing us the documents. I believe the tide is turning, legally, against government misbehavior.”

H/t FOTM’s Maziel

David Weiss maintains a Facebook page called, “Exposing The Big Three”, which compiles the best articles and videos on 9/11 Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing.

Dr, Eowyn maintains the Fellowship of the Minds blog featuring  Sandy Hook Massacre and Boston Marathon Bombings pages for links to all the other posts she has published on those two false flag events.


3 thoughts on “Wolf meets with Oath Keepers / CIA Spy confirms Sandy Hook and Boston bombing “false flags”

  1. Australia

    all it was, is the same game played on them.
    for the same purpose

    if you dont know what that purpose is.. your Not Awake!

    if we allow it, than we will fall and die a miserable existence and be traitors to our founders
    I dont want to be the only one to say NO.. but I will

    who’s with me?

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