World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global Influencers for Israel

If Americans Knew – by Alison Weir

The World Jewish Congress (WJC), which calls itself “The Representative Body of over 100 Jewish Communities Worldwide,” held its annual gala at the Pierre hotel in New York City on Nov. 6.

It bestowed its annual Theodor Herzl Award (named after Israel’s founding father) on former U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley for her work on behalf of Israel. Some previous awardees have been Joe Biden and Henry Kissinger.

One of the WJC’s main issues is support for Israel. Among its many activities in this realm, it collaborates with the Israeli government to defend Israel from criticisms of its human rights abuses and discriminatory system.

The WJC defines many factual statements about Israel to be “antisemitic,” and labels legitimate opposition to Israeli violence and oppression against Palestinians “antisemitism.” As a result, its top issue, combating “antisemitism,” often consists of efforts to suppress information about Israel’s oppression of Palestinians and to combat efforts on behalf of Palestinian human rights.

At one of its recent international conferences to oppose this newly defined “antisemitism,” US Special Envoy Elan Carr proclaimed that every law enforcement office and every prosecutorial agency throughout the world must “force everybody who has even a hint of antisemitism to undergo a tolerance program.” (More on this below).

A Glittering Guest List

The Jewish Voice described the recent World Jewish Congress gala in New York:

“It’s 6 PM on Wednesday November 6th in New York City and dozens of Secret Service are gathered at the Pierre to protect billionaires, politicians and global influencers at one of the premier evenings of the year.”

JV reports that “the illustrious guest list was unparalleled,” and provides a lineup that represents extraordinary wealth and power (and, in a number of cases, diverse types of malfeasance).

JV provided the names of some of the guests, to which are appended their net worths when available (these fluctuate over time) and additional information:

  • Henry Kissinger (net worth $180 million, former Secretary of State and National Security Advisor under two presidents)
  • The Rothschilds (estimates of net worth range from $400 billion up to $700 trillion, from the famous Rothschild banking family, more information below)
  • Robert Kraft ($7 billion net worth, NFL Patriots owner, received Israel’s Genesis Prize at a lavish ceremony in Israel, where he pledged $20 million to combating anti-Semitism and the Palestinian-led boycott movement against Israel, charged with two counts of soliciting prostitution in Florida -Boston’s WBUR radio reports: “The diamond-studded legal guns representing the 78-year-old New England Patriots owner (one of them a former Epstein lawyer) may save him… ” meanwhile, the women are facing up to 15 years in prison)
  • Thomas J. Tisch (net worth $121 million, former chancellor of Brown University, son of billionaire Laurence Tisch, former CEO of CBS)
  • Leonard Lauder ($21 billion net worth, elder son of Estee Lauder)
  • Judy Glickman Lauder (wife of Leonard Lauder, widow of Louis J. Glickman)
  • The Safras (of the ‘sometimes clandestine’ banking dynasty that started over a century ago, Chella Safra is WJC Treasurer)
  • Ira Rennert (net worth $3 billion, previously, $6 billioninvestor, known as a “junk bond billionaire,” found guilty of corruption in 2015, placed a mill in Baltimore’s outer harbor into bankruptcy, causing more than 2,000 workers to lose their jobs, owes Baltimore $8 million in unpaid city water bills, allegedly used money he looted from his business to build a 29-room mansion & compound – a garage holds 100 cars)
  • Dick Parsons (former Time Warner CEO, CBS chair, & Citibank chair; in 2012 shareholders filed a lawsuit against Parsons and some other executives for “stuffing their pockets while running the bank into the ground“)
  • Ben Ashkenazy (net worth $4 billion, Israeli American real estate tycoon, a benefactor of the 2015 AIPAC Real Estate Luncheon at New York’s Grand Hyatt Hotel)
  • Jack Chehebar (real estate mogul, sued for alleged breach of contract, accused of beating his son)
  • Ray Kelly (longest serving commissioner in the history of the New York City Police Department, for a period was an Interpol vice president, charged by Muslim groups of discrimination: “The commissioner oversaw a spying program that targeted Muslims based solely on their religion, showed poor judgment by participating in a virulently anti-Islamic film, and approved a report on terrorism that equated innocuous behavior such as quitting smoking with signs of radicalization”)

Read the rest here:

10 thoughts on “World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global Influencers for Israel

  1. “At one of its recent international conferences to oppose this newly defined ‘antisemitism,’ US Special Envoy Elan Carr proclaimed that every law enforcement office and every prosecutorial agency throughout the world must ‘force everybody who has even a hint of antisemitism to undergo a tolerance program.’”

    Force, what a word. It makes me want to stand still.


    1. Force? Guess somebody doesn’t realize force is a two way street, just like this article just forced me to say, “F-k you, you stinkin’ pedophilic thieving kike piece of shit. Now come take my 1st Article away from me, see whose life is worth your jew ass sucking proclamation and declaration to infringe and commit high treason and sedition against the superior law of my land.”

  2. “It’s 6 PM on Wednesday November 6th in New York City and dozens of Secret Service are gathered at the Pierre to protect billionaires, politicians and global influencers at one of the premier evenings of the year.”

  3. “It bestowed its annual Theodor Herzl Award (named after Israel’s founding father)”

    The most recent ‘founding father’ of Zionism (yes, it goes back thousands of years, but Herzl brought it to the forefront in his time).

    “… its top issue, combating “antisemitism,” often consists of efforts to suppress information about Israel’s oppression of Palestinians and to combat efforts on behalf of Palestinian human rights.”

    Lying scumbag pukes!

    Those stinking jews know DAMN WELL that antisemitism applies EQUALLY (IF not more so) to the Palestinians, and Arabs as well.

    Stupid brainwashed sheeple haven’t even figured THAT much out yet.

  4. Antisemitism’ – Criticisms of Israel
    The WJC is playing a significant role in the international project to change the traditional definition of antisemitism to a new, expanded version that includes criticisms of Israel.
    The new formulation for the definition of antisemitism was originated by an Israeli minister in 2004, and Israel partisans have steadily inserted it into a variety of national and international entities. For example, U.S. Antisemitism Envoy Hannah Rosenthal adopted it for the U.S. State Department in 2010.

    In June and October of this year, the WJC hosted officials from around the world for the “World Jewish Congress International Meeting of Special Envoys and Coordinators for Combating Antisemitism (SECCA).” Attendees discussed the alleged “need” to “obligate EU member states” to adopt the new definition.

  5. “…It bestowed its annual Theodor Herzl Award (named after Israel’s founding father) on former U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley for her work on behalf of Israel…”

    On behalf of Satan you mean.

  6. Very interesting…

    “…Robert Kraft ($7 billion net worth, NFL Patriots owner, received Israel’s Genesis Prize at a lavish ceremony in Israel, where he pledged $20 million to combating anti-Semitism and the Palestinian-led boycott movement against Israel, charged with two counts of soliciting prostitution in Florida -Boston’s WBUR radio reports: “The diamond-studded legal guns representing the 78-year-old New England Patriots owner (one of them a former Epstein lawyer) may save him… ” meanwhile, the women are facing up to 15 years in prison)…”

    And now all you football fans out there know why the Cheatriots have won all those Super Bowls…if you still think it was Belichick and Brady….Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

  7. “where he pledged $20 million to combating anti-Semitism and the Palestinian-led boycott movement against Israel”

    Where do you all think this 20 million actually went? Yup, you guessed it, whores, underage children and chicken blood…

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