World’s first FLYING CAR that can turn into a plane in less than a minute and soar along at 100mph is going on sale in the US next month

Daily Mail

The world’s first flying car is set to go on the market with pre-sales scheduled to begin next month.

The first of the two-seat hybrid-electric vehicles, which can switch between driving and flying modes in less than a minute, will be delivered to customers next year.

According to manufacturer Terrafugia, which belongs to the parent company of Volvo, the Transition can fly up to 400 miles (640km) at top speeds of 100mph (160kmh).  

The price has not yet been determined but preliminary sales for the first of the pioneering models will begin in October, according to China‘s news agency Xinhua.

According to manufacturer Terrafugia, which belongs to Volvo, the Transition can fly up to 400 miles at top speeds of 100 mph. Pictured: a test flight of the Transition

Recent improvements to the vehicle have included a hybrid-electric motor, upgraded seats, more luggage storage, improved seat belts and airbags, the company said.

The vehicle has also been fitted with rear-view cameras and a new parachute system, as well as ‘boost’ mode, which gives ‘a brief burst of extra power while flying’.

It was certified as a Light Sport Aircraft by the Federal Aviation Administration in 2016.

The vehicle also meets National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration standards but consumers will need a pilot’s license to operate the Transition.

The company believes Transition could be a useful vehicle for pilots to land at small airports and drive straight home.

The aircraft has fold-out wings, weighing roughly 1,300 pounds, and has fixed landing gear. It can fly to a maximum altitude of 10,000 feet.

The Transition on land. The first of the two-seat hybrid-electric vehicles, which can switch between driving and flying modes in less than a minute, will be delivered next year

The TF-X, a planned four-person follow-up, will be computer-controlled so that passengers can type in a destination before taking off.

‘The TF-X won’t require an airport for takeoff and landing, and it will drive on all roads and highways – providing the convenience of true door-to-door transportation,’ the company said.

The company’s CEO Chris Jaran said in July: ‘Developing this new technology has allowed us to test several different mechanisms and generate process improvements along the way.

‘We are at the critical point where we can implement the best design features based on years of flight and drive testing.

‘This will improve function, safety and aesthetics for the optimal flying and driving experience.’

An artist's rendering of the vehicle on road. The vehicle also meets National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration standards but consumers will need a pilot's license to operate it


The vehicle will have a cruising speed of 200 mph (322 km/h), along with a 500-mile (805 km) flight range.

TF-X will have fold-out wings with twin electric motors attached to each end.

These motors allow the TF-X to move from a vertical to a horizontal position, and will be powered by a 300 hp engine.

The planned four-person TF-X will be semi-autonmous and use computer-controlled so that passengers can simply type in a destination before taking off.

11 thoughts on “World’s first FLYING CAR that can turn into a plane in less than a minute and soar along at 100mph is going on sale in the US next month

  1. It’s not approved to fly into controlled airports, because your not required to have a full pilots liscense to fly it, only a sports liscence, whole different enchilada. This also means you cant fly in IFR weather, meaning low clouds, low visibility a no no, you cant fly in the 5 mile radius of any controlled airport, only uncontrolled airports, meaning back country, or rural airports, etc, etc…

    There are a lot more limitations because your not a real pilot by definition, only a wanna be, just like the guys who fly hanggliders.

    An expensive toy with huge limitations, they catch you fkg around in controlled airspace, they will give you a nuclear wedgy, and pull your sports liscense.

    You cant fly at night, even if clear.

    Cant charge passengers to fly with you, only share expenses.

    You have to spend years in flight school and thousands of dollars to become a full on pilot. It’s a lot of work, and expensive to fly in controlled airspace with the big boys.

    1. Yup
      I hold a SEL PP license and you are correct
      And I wouldn’t fly in that bucket of bolts if I was paid to do it
      As it is ( as you said) there’s no place to fly these things
      And if you think busting airspace is no big deal
      The FAA will show you otherwise

      1. It’s great that you hold your PP license, not too many hold that awesome ticket. Me too. Commercial,multi engine ,instrument. Had it all at 17 years old, was supposed to be an airline pilot, well that didn’t happen, and I’m not current, haven’t flown in 30 years. I’m not sure I would pass that first class physical anymore. Maybe a second class.

        I used to work at a piper distributor washing planes and ferrying the sold planes to the customers all over the Los Angles basin, I was 28 then. We had this one customer who would hanger his Piper Seneca at our facility, he thought his shit didn’t stink, would throw me his key to the plane and say, wash it, fuel it and put it back in the hanger, real asshole.

        What he didn’t know was that I had more experience flying twins than he did, so I would wash it, fuel it and tow it back to the hanger, all this after a flew it around the pattern for 4 or 5 touch and goes after he left. He would come back days later and ask me, who the hell has been flying my plane? I just shrugged my shoulders, played stupid, real asshole,

        He knew somebody was flying it because of the engine hours meter would show the hours engines running without him in the airplane. 🙂

  2. What’s the point in buying something that the elites will never let you use? Like buying a space shuttle that the elites will sabotage before even lifting off ground. The elite will shoot you out of the sky and play the “National Security” card whenever they want. The bastards never will never let you do something that they can’t control.

  3. “According to manufacturer Terrafugia, which belongs to the parent company of Volvo…”


    It’s not TESLA?????

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