WTF: Boston Man Captures Footage Of Turkeys Repeatedly Circling Dead Cat For No Discernible Reason

The Daily Sheeple – by Daniel Lang

Brace yourself for the most perplexing and freaky video that you’ll see all year. Recently a Boston man tweeted a video that shows a flock turkeys circling a dead cat lying in the middle of the road. It is absolutely as weird as that sounds.

So far the video has left animal experts dumbfounded. Turkeys don’t typically eat animals of that size, nor do they typically eat dead animals in general, so they’re not preparing for some kind of feast. It’s been theorized that the turkeys are doing what’s called a predator inspection, which is what prey animals do to let a predator know that they’re aware of the predator’s presence. But in this case, why would they do that to a clearly dead animal? Others have theorized that the turkeys might not know that the animal is dead. Whatever the case may be, it’s one hell of a strange and remarkable display.

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Contributed by Daniel Lang of The Daily Sheeple.

Daniel Lang is a researcher and staff writer for The Daily Sheeple – Wake The Flock Up!

4 thoughts on “WTF: Boston Man Captures Footage Of Turkeys Repeatedly Circling Dead Cat For No Discernible Reason

  1. They were having a cakewalk when the cat suddenly died before it was able to stop the music now they don’t know what to do.

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