You’re Being Played: Trump Is The Pied Piper

Event Horizon Chronicle

Permit me to set the scene. This has all been set up by the Deep State,over a period of many years, in fact.

To begin with, Donald Trump is not an outsider, he’s an insider, and has been for a long time. He’s a New York City multi-billionaire with numerous business and personal contacts in industry, high finance and government at all levels. That has been true for decades, even before he ran for political office.  

The Trump brand was conspicuously pre-positioned before the public’s eyes for decades. It’s called product placement and in this case the product being sold is Trump. It’s a familiar advertising technique. Very few people have their own network TV program. I don’t have a network TV program and neither do you, because we’re not in on the game, yet Trump had his own program for years on end. He was the boss. He ruled the roost. You did things the Trump way or you were out of there; he summarily fired people who didn’t measure up to his standards.

As I said, it was a TV program, i.e., it was used to program the public mass mind, to familiarize the viewing public with the Trump brand, to present him as the man in charge. These things don’t happen by accident.  Television is a brain washing technology par excellence and has been used for mass advertising, social change and political propaganda since its inception. TV was used to program Donald Trump’s rise to national power and influence. It doesn’t matter in the slightest whether you like him or not, whether you support him or not, whether you approve of his policies and policy proposals or not, or whether you voted for him or not, that is what has happened. He is a product of the system, placed before the public by the system.

The system prepares a whole roster of these people, feeds them into the pipeline and then trots them out for so-called public “service” as it deems necessary.

The Trump supporters think that they “elected” Donald Trump to the presidency.  But nothing could be further from the truth. It’s all rigged, you see.

Here’s how it works. Using the mass advertising techniques of Edward Bernays, based on principles rooted in Freudian depth psychology and Pavlovian operant-conditioning methods of behavioral modification and control, the large segment of the politically disaffected public that were not amenable to the mainstream political narrative in the USSA were provided an “option” that they enthusiastically accepted: Donald Trump.

In reality, they didn’t choose him; rather he was presented to them as the alternative to the unacceptable (to them) Hillary Clinton. (Stay with me, this rabbit hole goes very deep, and in a direction you probably do not anticipate.)

Remember, methods of mass advertising and propaganda as perfected by Edward Bernays during the 20th century, have been employed on a wide scale, over a period of decades, in order to pre-position the product — Donald Trump — firmly in the mass mind. Successful product placement was half the battle. The other half was to persuade millions of people that their decision to consume that product was their personal decision, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Remember that mass advertising and propaganda experts like Edward Bernays, and the legions of similarly minded experts who have followed in his footsteps, have refined to a sophisticated art the technology of social and political influence and control, the better to induce the human herd, yes, herd! — in its teeming millions — to perform in a desired, deviously pre-planned way; notwithstanding that each individual member of the herd is carefully led to imagine that he or she is acting in a self-determined, self-actualizing way, arrived at after careful personal consideration of all of the relevant factors at his or her disposal, never imagining, with rare exceptions, that said “relevant factors” have been fiendishly pre-selected and pre-fed to the human herd, the better to artificially construct, and lead the herd through, a carefully designed decision tree calculated to produce a desired and approved of outcome, in this case: Donald Trump.

Those who work with cattle understand this dynamic very well. If you have a herd of cows and you desire to pen them into a certain paddock and lock the gate behind them, all you have to do is open the gate to the desired paddock, and drive them or lead them down the fence line. Owing to their herd psychology, they rush down the fence line and as soon as they encounter the opening to the paddock, they all instinctively break for the opening — which in reality is not an “opening” at all, but a pen — and once they are all inside the cowboys have but to lock the gate behind them, and their goose is cooked. They are penned, ready to be shipped to slaughter — notwithstanding that in their confused herd mind, they thought they were making a bold break for freedom!

The ranch manager and the cowboys were two steps ahead of them, you see, cleverly strategizing the secondary and tertiary consequences of their blind, false belief.

The herding of humans is not much different.

Enter the Pied Piper

The centuries-old tale of the Pied Piper of Hamelin is directly applicable here. It was the Middle Ages in the German town of Hamelin, when the Pied Piper came to town. His magical flute music was so beguiling that all the children of the town fell under the spell of his enthralling tunes and willy-nilly fell into line behind him. They followed him out of town en masse and went away to their doom, never to be seen again.

I am not suggesting to you that Donald Trump is a latter day Pied Piper — on the contrary, it is the Deep State itself who has put forward Donald Trump as the Pied Piper!

Consider the front cover of the Rothschild-linked Economist magazine from two years ago. Click the hyper-link, take a look:

There is a great deal of symbolism in this cover illustration, far more than can be discussed in this short commentary, so we will restrict ourselves to simply notice the Pied Piper character on the left-hand side, playing his flute, directly to the knuckles of Vladimir Putin’s right hand.

The Economist is a prominent publication of the Rothschild-linked international banking consortium. The content of its cover therefore is not merely random noise, but has significance within the context of that powerful, global faction’s Machiavellian political machinations.

The cover is thus signalling the appearance of a Pied Piper on the world political scene, whose “tune” will knuckle under to, or be made to appear to knuckle under to Valdimir Putin.

Enter Donald Trump onto the world stage, his election and young presidency said to be under the alleged influence and sway of none other than the Russians and Vladimir Putin himself.

Who would have thought? And by the way, before leaving this Economist cover discussion, notice on the other side of the cover that there is a nuclear or atomic mushroom cloud billowing up into the sky beneath a stylized representation of the globe, with two faces representing East and West, with a very angry looking East.

Many themes are presented on this cover from two years ago, the theme of the Pied Piper and of a nuclear or atomic blast among them.

Fast forward a few months to April 2015 and the theme of the Pied Piper arises again in the context of the Deep State’s Machiavellian political machinations.

There Are No Accidents in Politics

Have you read the DNC/Clinton/Podesta e-mails that were released by Wikileaks? I have and there are some real nuggets in there.

I want to provide a highly salient and germane example that strikes to the very heart of the theme of this commentary, but before I do, please bear in mind that Joseph Kennedy, the father of President John Kennedy and Senator Robert Kennedy, both of whom were publicly assassinated by the Deep State, remarked to a reporter in 1960 that:  “There are no accidents in politics.”

Now then, on 7 April 2015 an e-mail circulated at the highest level of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign that concerned an upcoming Strategy Call. One of the items to be discussed on the “Strategy Call” was the “DNC Plan” detailed in an attached memo.

The e-mail is found here:

Click on the hyper-link to the e-mail and then click on the “Attachments” tab at the top of the e-mail. Open the .pdf file that appears, entitled “Strategy on GOP”.

The memo outlines the “Goals and Strategy” of the planned Clinton Campaign, against the projected field of GOP candidates.

Under the subsection entitled “Operationalizing the Strategy” appears the following choice extract:

Pied Piper Candidates

… use the field as a whole to inflict damage on itself similar to what happened to Mitt Romney in 2012. The variety of candidates is a positive here, and many of the lesser known can serve as a cudgel to move the more established candidates further to the right.
In this scenario, we don’t want to marginalize the more extreme candidates, but make them more “Pied Piper” candidates who actually represent the mainstream of the Republican Party. Pied Piper candidates include but aren’t limited to
• Ted Cruz
• Donald Trump
• Ben Carson

We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to them seriously.
Well, Well, Well …

The plot does thicken. No less than Donald Trump himself was on a very short list of preferred Pied Piper candidates that the Hillary Clinton campaign brain trust explicitly plotted to advance as “leaders of the pack”. Ted Cruz and Ben Carson self-destructed, leaving Donald Trump as the Pied Piper, leading the pack — as intended.

Remember what Joseph Kennedy said in 1960: “There are no accidents in politics.”

At what level is the game rigged? My sense is that it is certainly rigged at a level above the level at which a Hillary Clinton and a Donald Trump operate, plausibly at the Rothschild mega-banking level or above.  Presidential candidates and elected national presidents are puppets, marionettes who serve at the behest of influential others who largely remain in the shadows, i.e., the Shadow government, the Deep State.

One might be forgiven for advancing the idea that, in reality, Donald Trump was the one that the Deep State wanted all along, and that at a certain level a calculated decision was made well in advance to feed Hillary Clinton to the dogs, all the while having her to believe (falsely) that the Pied Piper gambit would redound to her advantage.

It doesn’t even matter if Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump agree with the plan; they are but puppets of darker forces at levels well above their respective heads. The plan appears to have been hatched at a higher level of the political MATRIX and percolated down to the Hillary Clinton campaign the year before the primary elections. Donald Trump very ably and willingly fell into the role — it perfectly suits his pompous, narcissistic, bloviating, tweeting, arrogant, multi-billionaire, New York City fat cat, playboy persona.

What was it Shakespeare said?

All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players; 

They have their exits and their entrances, 
And one man in his time plays many parts ….
(As You Like It, Act II, Scene VII)

It’s political theatre. It’s a show. It’s a Deep State political puppet show, and Donald Trump is the anointed puppet du jour.

But, but …! — you remonstrate, and I rejoin: just so!

All this talk of Trump being an “outsider” is but so much nonsense. He’s not a man of the people, and never has been. In fact, he is a consummate insider. A multi-billionaire, who is on speaking terms with influential government officials at every level, local, state and federal. A man who can walk into the largest banks and successfully negotiate deals for hundreds of millions of dollars. A network TV reality show star for years on end. A builder and owner, past or present, of a whole chain of skyscrapers, hotels, casinos, golf courses, resorts and more. Owner of multiple, private jet aircraft and helicopters.

Let’s take the casino issue alone: you cannot be a player in the casino business and not do business with the mob, and not launder very large sums of dirty money. That’s what casinos are: they’re dirty money laundromats.

So Trump has laundered unknown hundreds of millions and probably billions of dollars for someone, or something. Now who needs to move around and launder vast sums of cash?

Why, the Deep State of course. The CIA, the Pentagon, the Big Banks, the DEA, the FBI, and sundry affiliated billionaires and mob bosses.

It’s a real swamp.

Donald Trump hasn’t been sent to Washington to “Drain the Swamp.

On the contrary, he’s very ably “Swamping the Drain!”

The government he’s appointed can be thus described: Zionists, Neocons, Goldman Sachs and multi-billionaires. In a word, thoroughlyestablishment.

There’s nothing “outsider” about it.

Only weeks into his presidency, Trump fired his National Security Advisor, in a “fit of stupidity”, as Paul Craig Roberts put it. And incredibly, Trump has retained James Comey as FBI Director, a transparently corrupt man who did the dirty work of the Clintons and Loretta Lynch and who just this week was publicly braying about remaining in his position for another six years, with nary a contrary word from Trump.

Only two weeks ago Trump was loudly complaining that his Trump Tower in New York City had been bugged by the Obama regime. And then last week, Wikileaks dumped a massive internal CIA data trove to the Internet that revealed that, indeed, there is a massive, illegal, unconstitutional, ongoing spy campaign against everyone, by the CIA. It is an operation so exhaustive in scope that it certainly includes the Trump Tower, and everyone and everything else. The extent of the illegal, totalitarian operation is mind boggling.

Wikileaks resoundingly ratified Trump’s allegations. He certainly was, and is, being spied on — by no less than the CIA.

So what was Trump’s response? He trotted out his press secretary to say that people should be “outraged” — not at the CIA’s massive subversion and violation of the law, the Constitution, and civil and human liberties, no, not at the totalitarian, illegal, unconstitutional behavior of the CIA, but rather at Wikileaks, because: “This is the kind of disclosure that undermines our country, our security and our well-being.”

As if the foregoing were not bad enough, Trump sent an absolute BB-brain of a nitwit, Nikki Haley, ex-governor of South Carolina, to be his United Nations Ambassador in New York. And far from seeking rapprochement with Russia, and calming tensions with China, since coming to power Trump has ratcheted tensions up with the Russians, and brought the simmering dispute with China in the South China Sea to an even tenser level.

Last week he sent nuclear-capable heavy bombers into South Korea, as a threat to North Korea and, also in recent days, the Pentagon announced plans to increase the troop level in Syria, in what amounts to an illegal military invasion of a sovereign state, in flagrant contravention of international law.

Translation of all of the above: unless he radically changes course, and very soon, Trump is revealing himself to be a plaything of the FBI, the CIA and the Pentagon, a dutiful Deep State political puppet, as it were.

Paul Craig Roberts has asked: Is Trump Already Finished?

To which I would sarcastically reply: oh, heavens no, he’s only getting started!

In fact, if Trump and his cabinet appointees continue with the rhetoric, policy statements and maneuvers that they have been making so far, Trump may have the USSA at war with Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Syria and God only knows who else, even faster than Hillary Clinton would have.

Interestingly, some of Trump’s staunchest supporters have been fundamentalist Christians, who, in some kind of misguided religious zeal, have conflated Donald Trump with their Christian savior beliefs, making him out to be some kind of Great Man, a Big Daddy, who will somehow “Save America” (whatever that means) and “Make America Great Again!” (whatever that means).

Notwithstanding that Jesus Christ himself is recorded in the Christian Bible as saying: “My Kingdom is not of this world!” — so many of his supposed followers, the Christian fundamentalists, go running after a slick, brash-talking, multi-billionaire, New York City real estate tycoon, forgetting that their professed Lord and savior also remarked: “Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”

And yet, in their millions, these hordes of alleged “Christians” eagerly run after the Rich Man from New York City. There are even YouTube videos circulating on the Internet alleging that Donald Trump has been sent by God to “Save America” (whatever that means). The Deep State’s YouTube fundamentalist “Christian” propaganda division must be working overtime.

Of course, reliance on this external savior myth is nothing more than an abdication of personal responsibility, an infantile psychological projection on a bigger than life political figure to swoop in and make everything that is perceived to have gone wrong, right again.

This is nothing but personal weakness.

Here’s the reality: Trump is a weak, indecisive, confused, not very well informed, corrupt, vacillating, pompous, self-enriching, narcissistic, sociopathic, bloviating, lying, not-ready-for-prime-time, suck ass buffoon. (By contrast with Hillary Clinton, who is merely a satanic, psychopathic, endlessly criminally devious, pathological lying, serial murdering, war mongering demon from the pits of hell.) \sarcasm\

The  public mind f*ck is beyond belief. The Trumpies and everyone else need to pull themselves together and see that they are all being massivelyplayed. Courtesy of Wikileaks, Trump now has all the evidence he needs that the CIA itself is tapping his phones and computers and TVs and probably also his egg timer, waffle maker and God knows what all else.

If Trump doesn’t immediately use the Wikileaks CIA data dump to go Medieval on the CIA’s ass and ruthlessly clean house at Langley, from top to bottom,  and also arrange some sort of pardon or clemency or immunity from prosecution for Julian Assange, then he is obviously in on the rigged game of Them versus Us and must henceforth be treated as one of Them, and not one of Us.


What I am telling you is: Trump is a complete pussy. He already revealed himself to be a weak leader when he fired Michael Flynn mere weeks after he appointed him National Security Advisor  — and over almost nothing!

And he has permitted a known, corrupt FBI Director to remain in power, without protest whatsoever, at the same time that he unleashes the Neocons in the Pentagon to ratchet up tensions with Syria, Russia, China, North Korea and Iran almost to the point of outright war.

If it walks like a Deep State political puppet, talks like a Deep State political puppet and acts as a Deep State political puppet, then I submit to you that what you are looking at is a Deep State political puppet.

It’s Ruthless Business


See, the so-called “government” is really a corporation and its job is to f*ck you in the *ss, all the while telling you that it is your patriotic duty to love every second and ask for more.

That is Trump’s job. He’s been brought in as the “fixer”. Bad things are getting ready to happen, well, I mean, bad things are already happening, really bad things, but the human “herd” has not quite caught on en masseto the grim reality yet.

First of all, notwithstanding Trump’s rhetoric about bringing jobs back to the USSA, the reality is that due to mechanization, robotics, automation,digital technology and the like, hundreds of millions of jobs are being eliminated from the global economy right now. Many of the jobs being eliminated  are in the USSA. In recent decades and years the USSA economy has lost millions of jobs that will never be coming back. The world has changed and many “workers” are now obsolete. What happens to millions of “obsolete” people who are no longer needed and have becomesuperfluous?

Could it be that that’s why a Pied Piper is called in to take charge of the situation? He plays his magic flute, all the children fall in line behind him and off they go — never to be seen again! There are several tens of millions of workers in the USSA economy who are unemployed or under employed. Trump is simply lying; he will not be putting them all back to work at a decent, living wage. Just will not.

Secondly, the situation at Fukushima continues to go from very bad to much worse. The Pacific Ocean is dying right now as a direct consequence of all the radioactivity flowing into it from the catastrophically ruined nuclear power reactors at Fukushima, Japan. The Pacific Ocean won’t ever be back. It’s done. It’s finished. The whales, dolphins, tuna, crabs, scallops, oysters, all of it. It’s all dying off as the radioactivity progressively accumulates in the marine food chain. The radioactivity from Fukushima is also progressively poisoning North America. Every weather system that moves across the Pacific Ocean from Japan to North America brings with it a load of radioactivity that it dumps on fields, forests, streams, playgrounds and — well, you get the picture. It’s building up and up in the food chain, in the soil, in the lakes, and it will not stop coming. The future will be more and more radioactive; unfortunately rising rates of radioactivity are not compatible with good human health and so the end result is baked in the cake. Can you recall Donald Trump saying even one word about this situation? Ever? I can’t. Indeed, there is no evidence that the matter is even on his mental horizon.

Third, all around us the planet is swiftly dying. Please click the hyper-link and read the article. 

Almost two-thirds of the wildlife on the Earth has died in the last 50 years.

The final third will go much faster than the previous two-thirds, due to the law of exponents, so realistically we are looking at a 15 or 10 year period of rapid biosphere collapse. We are already into the rapid collapse and it will accelerate from here. The last few years will go very quickly.

No major political figure is saying anything about this. Certainly not Donald Trump.

Trump is tremendously ignorant in substantive, planet-wide policy areas that greatly matter, like the impending death of the global biosphere.

The jobs will not be coming back to the USSA, not in the tens of millions. Trump is simply lying about that. And Fukushima is a radioactive, planet-killing event that Trump doesn’t even mention. All around us, the planet is rapidly dying and there is no evidence that this species ending event is even remotely on Trump’s mental horizon.

I say again: the people of the USSA are being played like a fiddle. And they are reacting in predictable, programmable and programmed ways.

Remember: he who pays the piper calls the tune! The paymasters would appear to be preeminently Goldman Sachs, seeing as Donald Trump has loaded up his government with Goldman Sachs executives, and behind them the Rothschild global faction. The music is being orchestrated by very practiced, global, social engineers. They have it down to a very dark science.

How Deep Does the Rabbit Hole Go?

It looks like we are talking about a political meta-script that is meticulously choreographed and directed from off stage, such that even many of the main actors (Trump, Clinton, etc.) heavily buy into the dramatic fiction that they are called upon to role play.

Are Shakespeare’s poetic musings the literal truth? “All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players …” He was closely connected to influential people in his day. Was he clued in to how the world really works? Has it always been like that? Is it really a massive, scripted theatrical production and the joke’s on us and always has been?

Take a look at the Economist magazine’s cover for January of this year.

What do you know, another nuclear mushroom cloud with the Grim Reaper on horseback and the word death.

Also, we see Donald Trump sitting in judgement astride the world with the United States underfoot, as well as a tower (perhaps the Trump tower?) being split asunder by a lightning bolt, with Christian and communisthordes massed on opposite sides. Knowing the Rothschilds’ modus operandi the symbolism could plausibly be interpreted as a Rothschildrecipe for false flag attacks, dictatorship and war, possibly nuclear war, insome, or all of which, Donald Trump appears slated to play a role.

In other words, we are now just about at the point where really big events start to kick in, and with a fiendish vengeance.

Death of the Earth’s ecosystems and biosphere. Global radioactive poisoning. Obsolescence of hundreds of millions of disposable workers in the coming years. Add it all up and it’s not a pretty picture.

I am reminded again of the numbers for national populations around the world, in the year 2025, just eight years away. clearly has connections to the global, military-security complex, and so presumably has access to data sources that the average person does not.Take a look:

2025 country forecast

The projection is for the USSA to lose 80% of its populace in the next eight years. Now what could cause that? There are many possibilities: economic collapse, nuclear war, biological warfare, famine, failure of the agricutural system, an EMP attack, collapse of the ecology, etc.

Look through the data. is also projecting extremely sharp population losses in Canada, Australia, Japan, Israel and much of Europe.

Huge, life, planet and species altering events are already in motion. Theywill run their course, and the movers and shakers behind the scenes, the so-called Powers That Be, know that perfectly well. Humanity is being lulled into a false sense of complacency, owing to normalcy bias, the better to be controlled, exploited, managed and maybe even slaughtered by the hundreds of millions or even billions.

The population numbers for the year 2025 are just that grim.

In the final analysis Donald Trump is where he is because he is an establishment player.

He may say this and that, he may do this and that, but if he does not abolish the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, Federal Reserve, the IRS as we now know it, and more,  the corrupt game simply continues on as it is, with variations to distract the peasantry into thinking that more is going on than simple presidential chair shuffling on a sinking Titanic.

I am highly skeptical.

The whole game is insidiously rigged.

The political theatre of personalities is for the gullible plebes’ consumption and confusion. What the hidden guiding hands desire is a certain outcome.

As of now, we drift steadily towards war, albeit that Hillary Clinton will not be the one to start it. It appears that the Pied Piper will do the honors instead, and all of his myriad followers will heartily agree that it is a good thing that it is he that is doing it, and not Hillary Clinton, because — oh, the horror!

31 thoughts on “You’re Being Played: Trump Is The Pied Piper

  1. Not getting it. If Trump didn’t get into the election it would have been between clinton and bush. A win-win situation for them. Why did they need Trump?

    1. Between Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush, you would have had about 12% voter turnout, and that is not 12% of the population, that is 12% of the 30% registered to vote, and we would be in a middle of an uprising to take our country back. Trump was brought forth as an act of desperation and just enough stupid people fell for it, but not enough to stop the inevitable. A showman, a carnival barker, and not really that good of one either, just enough to fool children and retards.

        1. And you’re an UNMITIGATED MORON.

          Not an opinion, btw… hard -core FACT, based on your trollishly stupid comments.

  2. Good Article, Yes, the status quo is being maintained since there will be NO change to the Fed reserve & the IRS et al…The powers that have usurped this nation are still in charge…. you have to hand it to them, they knew if Hillary got in it would have been a swift degeneration, not controlled the way they desire it…..and the saga continues, and we prepare….

    1. Agreed Katie, what a waste of time. If you didn’t know this over a year ago, this long winded pap is too little, too late.

  3. Excellent article… one of the best I’ve come across yet at explaining the carnival barker.

    Naturally, it’s preaching to the choir here, but this is a good one to send to any RETARDS you may know that ‘voted’ for Chump. 🙂

      1. True, Katie.

        But due to their obstinate stupidity, I’m angry ALL THE TIME these days.

        They deserve to be angry too… even if for the wrong reason. This oughta do it.

        Stupid sheeple.

        1. #1, being angry is a sign you’re not retarded. Tards aren’t capable of being angry about something that actually matters.

        2. I voted for Trump, not out of ignorance, but with eyes wide open that he was a cryptojew. I just wanted to kick the can of war down the road a few more years. By the time he ends his first term, we will be embroiled in WWIII and maybe a civil war here. I know how long it takes families to get over dead soldiers and would hope my father and his siblings are dead before the next round of family members goes to die. To fight, one must understand who the enemy is. First and last it is the Jews. Any fight other than against them is a waste of life, like the 100 million dead since 1917 thanks to them.

          1. Next time, please don’t commit treason against me and my Bill of Rights.

            Trumpy has already drone bombed human beings over 400% more than O.

            By the way, you are already at war.

          2. Katie, that is total bullshit. The war against American’s started long before any of us were born. Treason is a strong term. The citizens who vote don’t commit treason. It’s the overlords who do. By that I mean our congress and bankers and spiritual evil in high places.

          3. Participation by way of voting equals complicity in the treason as well as stupidity when one knows the treason has been on going from before you were born.

          4. Jesus sits on the throne of heaven. He has allowed this play called humanity. He and the devil are in a battle and we are the pawns. The war is much larger than one country. Every citizen of their own country feels strongly about their scrap of land. Civilizations rise and fall on those lands. There is no guarantee that the United States will be in control of these lands in the future or those who would overthrow the government. My ancestors fought for the south, so I’m ready to fight again. The bible says our enemy is spiritual wickedness in high places. Throughout history that wickedness has controlled the peasants of the lands. The people rise and fall at the command of the Lord. Right now America is in slavery to Israel. If God opens our eyes, the people will rise up and cast off Israel. Trump is as much a pawn of God as is Kim Jong Un. When it comes to the big chessboard, I don’t believe a vote for or abstaining will change the big picture. As a peasant, I get to vote for the evil on the left or the evil on the right. Why do I vote? Because in some countries like North Korea, there is no vote for the peasants. The Jehovah Witness don’t believe in voting for religious reasons and I believe that is another form of slavery. Abigail Adams didn’t get to vote. She was intelligent, but lived in a time when women had no rights. History is full of injustice and countries who cease to exist. I see that as our future, no matter if we vote, fight or surrender. I see nothing in the formation of our government to keep God from destroying us.

          5. I suspect an essential basic error in your theology, that being Jesus Christ the MAN is God. If this most fundamental foundation as a Christian is faulty, an obvious disregard for Christs own words, would not this carry over into other basic fundamentals such as Trump and Kim Jong are pawns of God? As far as I know, God is not a chess player and we are not pawns, but men and women of free will to choose to stand and defend that which is just and right.
            In this country we are sovereigns NOT peasants, get this into the core of your being.You vote for evil because at least you as a peasant actually get to choose who you will allow to plunder you rather than NOT vote which would lend NO legitimacy to this cabal. Illogical. This country will not cease to exist as long as men and women claim and exercise that sovereign standing and are willing to defend their own life as well as the lives of others. God destroying us?????????

          6. Someone needed to tell God he had no right to kill all those people in the OT as they were sovereigns in their own nations. You see Jesus as a man instead of God incarnate and sitting at the right hand of the father with all power given to him by the father. Jesus never gave up being God. He just added the form of man for 33 years to defeat the devil. You believe in free will and the ability to tell God to piss off, whereas I believe in election and effectual calling, which means man is free to choose what to eat or wear and not, matters involving the soul as he lost that right. I believe God chooses his church and man has no say in the matter as it was done before the foundation of the world and settled in heaven. You cling to this world whereas I look for the world to come, the Jerusalem above. God is going to destroy this world. Our positions are antipodal and we have no common ground. I see the world as constantly changing. My ancestors walked the trail of tears. They had no Constitution or Bill of Rights, nor ever returned to their rightful land that the white man stole from them. I would like to see the Confederacy Government restored for the south, but it won’t be. I felt this election was beneficial for keeping that Canadian Rafael Cruz and NWO Bush puppet from winning. It delayed the inevitable; us losing our sovereignty and becoming the North American Union. Spiritual wickedness is the key to understanding. It is unseen and guides the affairs of fallen man in power. It guided our founding fathers and guides everyone in power today. The enemy is manifested in the Jews. They worship the spiritual wickedness and are rewarded with power and control of many nations, our included. I mean exactly what I say when I say peasants and pawns. The freemasons are pawns to the Jews, so are the Mormons and many other groups. They are controlled as are all the so called Christians in America. Our congress and presidents bow to them and I firmly believe the Vatican owns the Jews. Where do you start to fight an enemy of that magnitude?

          7. That’s it, Pioneer, nothing we can do about it. It’s Armageddon, drop to the fetal position and wait for the rapture. This is the line of thinking that got us into this f#@king mess.
            No Sale! And you cowards are not getting an out on the treason you committed in voting. I’ve had all of you I’m going to take. So you take your defeatism somewhere else and enjoy your servitude as you kneel at the ditch waiting for your pie in the sky, by and by.

    1. Good find, #1! 😀 😀 😀
      I remember warning Trenchers about Bloomie… At first, I was told “What can a pissant city mayor do? Nothing!…”
      You remember my responses… LOL
      We have seen what happened…
      Then there was Chump…
      Once again, I tried to fill in his background and warn…
      You KNOW that you’re “preaching to the choir” with ME. LOL 😀 😉
      Good job, Bro. 😀

  4. Thank you nwo. I am not a “harvard grad” or any one that has the training to be a part of the system.
    What I do know is you speak with eloquence and specificity.
    “Those who work with cattle understand this dynamic very well. If you have a herd of cows and you desire to pen them into a certain paddock and lock the gate behind them, all you have to do is open the gate to the desired paddock, and drive them or lead them down the fence line. Owing to their herd psychology, they rush down the fence line and as soon as they encounter the opening to the paddock, they all instinctively break for the opening — which in reality is not an “opening” at all, but a pen — and once they are all inside the cowboys have but to lock the gate behind them, and their goose is cooked. They are penned, ready to be shipped to slaughter — notwithstanding that in their confused herd mind, they thought they were making a bold break for freedom!

    The ranch manager and the cowboys were two steps ahead of them, you see, cleverly strategizing the secondary and tertiary consequences of their blind, false belief.
    Consider the original (no longer to be found) video of the bundy overpasses in witch the blm was backing up out of a slaughter.
    most of those people were real, some were planted.
    great analogy to your post,
    trump is a stump and when people like me interpret the original founders of this country take a stand, with a whatever it takes attitude, all hell will break loose.

  5. People continue to be like young birds with their mouths open waiting to be fed. This article is real. The Pied Piper is in the house. My favorite sentence is, Just will not. It says everything. Thanks

  6. I’m sorry all of you. I DO Absolutely vote – against every tax increase, new regulation and bond issue the fools want me to pay for.

  7. Finally! The Truth about Trump! Keep posting great stuff, #1!

    And keep it up, FTTWR! You all are about the only alt website that still posts the real news and info we need. I just hope folks who voted for Trump just because they “thought” he would do the right things understand how they have been played, or those who voted for Trump to keep out Hilary (which was why most who voted in my neck of the woods, voted for Trump).

    Unfortunately, you really can fool some of the people all of the time!

  8. This is the exponential conspiracy theory. I have been hearing this theories since I was 15, it means 60 years ago. I don’t care how many sites
    Are noted. Conspiracy theorist have always use whatever to prove their points.

    1. “Conspiracy theorist have always use whatever to prove their points.”



      ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
      ……….”…………. _.·´

      AND STAY THERE, B#TCH!!!!!

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