4 thoughts on “YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki: Anything That Goes Against The W.H.O. is a Violation of YouTube Policies

  1. Been saying it all along. Youtube (and Faceberg) is an enemy weapon. Youtube needs to go down in flames along with this ladyman & all WHO sail in her LOL!

  2. Add this pig-faced kike to the list, along with her sister and bro in law.

    The God complex really rears its ugly head when these fake arse khazarian kikes start flapping their lie-holes. You couldn’t speak with such arrogance if you didn’t believe that about yourself and your tribe.

    1. So they get to decide what is lie and what is truth.

      And Vitamin C and Tumeric… two of the most powerful healing agents – she would deny that info to the public?!!

      Well, maybe a profound love of 5G causes delirium.


  3. These jews didnt think we would use social media to expose their crimes . They thought most of us would used it for just a play ground. Truth is disinfo and lies are the truth.

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