3 Myths about Israeli Settlements

Published on Jan 2, 2017 by Omar Baddar


UN Resolutions on the settlements:
446: https://goo.gl/jOSFMj
2334: https://goo.gl/vJn66N

The international Court of Justice on the wall, settlements, and the occupation: https://goo.gl/wgWEZR

Successive US administrations on Israeli settlements:

Partial settlement freeze:
Resource from Americans for Peace Now:

“Netanyahu said the ‘far-reaching and painful’ move would not be implemented in predominantly Arab East Jerusalem”: http://www.haaretz.com/news/netanyahu…

5 thoughts on “3 Myths about Israeli Settlements

  1. This video is wrong in so many ways. For example, the Islamic Palestinians with their Islamic friends attacked Israel in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. In this video they wrongly say, “they came to steal. The truth is, the next door neighbors came over and tried killing the Israelis and their families. So Israel made them move out next door and told them they could have the land back if they simply recognized Israel’s right to exist. As of today, the Palestinians still refuse to do that.

    1. Are you fu##ing kidding me? Do you know anything about the stern and Irgun gangs? Europeans had a right to go to Palestine and expel people from their land and commit ethnic cleansing and genocide? Do you know Israel attacked egypt first in the six day war? Do you know the Zionist organization does not start or stop with Israel as a geographic location? You f##king Zionist pig, go play hasbara somewhere else.

    2. That hasbara crap might fly on a lot of websites, but it won’t work here. People at this place know way too much about Zionism and its evil history.

      “Israel’s right to exist”? Within exactly which borders? They don’t seem to want to stick to the ones internationally recognized, preferring instead to continue their lebensraum policy.

      Even if that question were settled, it could be argued that any right to exist Israel MIGHT have once had has been lost due to their sickening crimes against humanity — crimes that shock the conscience of even some Israelis and more than a few Jews around the world.

    3. God did away with Israel and the devil can’t bring it back. You and your fellow crypto Jews know nothing about the bible. To back Israel is to worship the devil.

  2. Also he says the Palestinians and their Islamic friends. How come no mention of the Palestinian Christians the Lebanese Christians and the Syrian Christians who also participated and who were also attacked by Israel? I’m sick and tired of this anti-islamic more specifically anti-palestinian garbage that I hear on and on. If you can’t handle the truth and speak with true facts stay out of the conversation and stay out of the issue. The Muslim world has tolerated the Western World Christian and jew, and vice versa for many centuries. Why now is there so much tension between Islam and the so-called West? Does the Zionist false flag of 9/11 and the ODed yinon plan have anything to do with it? Or maybe The Clash of civilizations plan? But somehow Muslims when they lash out at the Injustices on them are the enemy or the villains. One day the world will see, more and more people are waking up. Israel is an illegitimate state founded on terrorism and will pay for its crimes. It’s only a matter of time. Islam is a religion not a race not a nationality not an ethnicity. The so-called West knows more about Buddhism and Voodoo than they do about Islam which has more in common with Christianity than any other religion. It’s funny to me how some so-called Christians love Israel so much knowing what Israel and the Jewish talmud religion says of Jesus. Or maybe they don’t and if not you should ask yourself why.

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