5 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches Live Broadcast 7-10-23

    1. Galen… When you said to Henry.. Even though this is a publicity stunt.. do you think it’ll wake people up… It hit me immediately.. what it does by putting these type movies out is it makes you think “Somebody’s on it”.. It’s being handled”.. Someone is doing something”.. meaning I Don’t Have To!!! Which is what Trump is for.. to make think “Everything is under control”!! I did not see the movie but I bet they didn’t address the missing children in DC .. which dwarfs missing children everywhere else in the US.. per Capita of course.. ” U”ganda??? How bout “U”kraine!!?

      1. I certainly hear that, Mike. Good thing Trenches is a strong voice for exposing the real perps and ending this atrocity.


        1. Listening to the broadcast last night, I heard the only voice of a mind that sees through to the final conclusion and cuts through the psy-op of selling children and using the people’s dollars to buy them back, as the endless supply of stolen children continues with no end to those being bought and sold. No one anywhere, other than here, is talking about the final solution, which will take far more than lukewarm Christianity, and, “you’ve gotta go and see this movie”, to accomplish.

      2. I believe your assessment is on the mark. From what I see, people love to virtue signal, and this movie enables people to feel good about themselves with minimal effort. At the end of the movie, the credits roll a scene soliciting what kind of “action” people can take against the pedophilia, by scanning a QR code to buy someone else a ticket, streamlining the process . It gives people fulfillment by offering the illusion decency by participating in the propaganda.
        I find parallels in this to the many mechanisms of patronage the establishment has set up. For example, people who talk “politics” will often engage in left/right paradigm to give off the illusion that they are engaged in their countries well being. Our oppressors have made it very easy for these morons to imitate political intrigue, by simplifying the nations turmoil into a matter of polarized ideologies. Just like with voting, all it is, is a chance for people to say “well I tried”, and that would be the extent of their patronage.

        As far as the exposure goes, I believe that it is irrelevant. As Henry says, if people don’t know about this by now, its because they don’t want to know. This country has been confronted with some dark truths plenty of times before, and exposure almost never seemed to be the true path to resolution. How many patriot movements fell into obscurity when gullible people were led down the wrong path, the path of mammon and distraction. We are so far past the point of “exposure”, as resolution, that it vanished over the horizon. People need to understand that the only way this stop is with lead, and the Bill of Rights is the only thing that brings this message to life, especially the 2nd article. It’s undeniable that this is no longer a free state and I know there are more than enough people living in contempt, ready for a change. It’s a matter of settings peoples minds right, and the Bill of Rights is what exalts their convictions.
        It’s hard for people to understand things like this, when you tell them that this movie is propaganda but they only see the world as black and white. I’ll try my best to articulate how this movie is propaganda but I make it very clear that all they are doing is feeding the Jews and diverting from the solution.

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