10 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches Live Broadcast 9-1-23

    1. This Shit hit the fan and I dont give a fck anymore … its getting hard to wake up to another fckd up day!!!!! love you people thank you Ken

    1. I put up a comment on the DiamondandSilk fb page. “We need you at the Trenches!” with the link! Somehow, the link worked!

      1. Sorry guys! I had to re-think that one. It wasn’t a good idea. Too many people caught up in the political b.s. there, that could have become a counter-productive contamination of the Trenches. I removed it.

  1. This is Anthony Oliver’s new song. I wasn’t going to post it because the theme isn’t necessarily political or addressing any urgent issue, and the melody needs more dimension. It’s mainly a song where he parallels his girlfriend with his car; very cleverly written lyrics in the John Prine vein. For instance in writing about how he wants to unwind from a hard week:

    “We can take her nice an’ slow, a case a beer and a zen koan.”

    Love that line!!

    So, like I said, I wasn’t going to post it, but then I replayed it and “well hey,” what’s that one second flash at 1:19? Did I really say the song wasn’t political?!! 🙂


    1. On the topic of music, something got me thinking about the Nickelback song sometimes played on the broadcasts. This band is a Canadian band, so, I got to thinking that when they are talking about a revolution, it’s about overthrowing the system of government that keeps Commonwealth countries tied to the British monarchy, freedom laws or not. Although they say one of our two freedom laws is based on the American Bill of Rights, it’s not worth the paper it is written on because there is a clause in it that VIOLATES it. The other freedom law, the Canadian Bill of Rights, says we have always had rights, but unlike the American Bill of Rights, which breaks those ties, it looks like we have no means by which to enforce them, when push comes to shove.

      1. that said, the song is about the unlawful agencies on American soil in violation of the Bill of Rights, in which case, there is no need for anything other than the kind of uprising that enforces the law of the People and disposes of the criminals and their agencies who are in violation of it.

  2. Beyond any politics, commerce, or organized this or that, Labor Day, in its essence should wholly be an appreciation and respect for workers. I tip my hat to all blue-collar workers who, then and now, help turn the wheels of life and make life work, function, advance, improve. You are champions!!

    Here are a few quotes worth pondering:

    “Nothing is born into this world without labor.”
    ― Rob Liano

    “Organized labor is organized to take control of an asset away from its rightful owners without paying for it. Organized labor is organization of property by those who don’t own it. Organized labor, by driving up the costs of production through coercive means, destroys industries. Organized labor is piracy without the boats and eye patches. Why would anybody want to celebrate organized labor?”
    ― Douglas Wilson

    “Our labor preserves us from three great evils — weariness, vice, and want.”
    ― Voltaire

    “No matter how much falls on us, we keep plowing ahead. That’s the only way to keep the roads clear.”
    ― Greg Kincaid

    “Bullsh*t jobs regularly induce feelings of hopelessness, depression, and self-loathing. They are forms of spiritual violence directed at the essence of what it means to be a human being. … All are united in their loathing for the political class, who they see (correctly) as corrupt…”
    ― David Graeber

    “Something precious was taken from us and the compensations were inadequate.”
    ― Frank Herbert

    “A human being in a highly technicized productive unit is simply not allowed to be spontaneous. It just interferes with the plan laid down in advance by the engineers and technicians who decide how he should work, and in this way he, the human being, is profoundly diminished, because he is not permitted to be spontaneous.”
    ― Aldous Huxley, Writings on Psychedelics & The Visionary Experience

    “Some folks struggled disproportionately, carrying things that others couldn’t even lift.”
    ― Diane Marie Brown


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