80 men lift whole house, carry it away

Published on Apr 2, 2014 by RT America

Picking up and moving is difficult enough, but how about picking up your entire house and moving? A group of 80 men, believed to be either Amish or Mennonite, in Spartansburg, Pa., picked a house up from its foundation and carried it by hand to a new location. The Amish and Mennonite religions don’t believe in using modern technology or tools, but it seems modern tools aren’t always necessary to do big things. RT’s Lindsay France takes a look at the incredible video.

One thought on “80 men lift whole house, carry it away

  1. Hahaha,…

    Thats great!

    Talk about getting a few friends to help with “house moving”,… I hate to see what they for a “house warming”!


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