$9,000,000,000,000 Missing From The Federal Reserve. Why should any American pay their taxes?

Published on Jun 11, 2013 by XRepublicTV

Rep. Alan Grayson questions the FED inspector General where $9 TRillion dollars went… and Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman hasn’t a clue…Dunno whether to laugh or cry – I am still getting over the shock and have watched 4 times – LISTEN carefully to what she says – THEY HAVE NO JURISTRICTION to investigate the fed!!! Only their programs?? OK the world has been fooled long enough ENOUGH ENOUGH!!! Get the hell outa paper money people and if you buy gold and silver – get the real stuff not paper gold etc. This is pure evil!

4 thoughts on “$9,000,000,000,000 Missing From The Federal Reserve. Why should any American pay their taxes?

  1. I know where the money went. To places like Tivat Montenegro. Look at the images of the big yachts parked there and you will understand. I asked a captain of one of these boats who owned these things. He said it was all the financial type people… banksters. The US Navy even cleared the port of old ordnance using dolphins so they could deepen the harbor to fit the larger size boats. Why would the Navy care about ordnance in places they never park their ships? Because we know who they ultimately work for and it aint us.

  2. Here is why Americans pay their taxes:
    1. Fear (“You don’t mess with the IRS”)
    2. Ignorance/do not have the time/money to fight the IRS in court
    3. stay out of jail for the time being

    I should add a reason 4 (for idiot Christians that can’t discern Biblical truth)–Romans 13

  3. There is, and never has been any thing of monetary value in the federal reserve.
    It is a private entity run and created by the rothchild cartel and had the rockefeller cartel keep things under hush in 1913. Income tax is voluntary and unconstitutional under what we were led to believe was the amerikan way.
    The wabbit hole is deep but I have seen the nest.

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