5 thoughts on “9/11 : Pentagon Was Hit by a Cruise Missile – Proof!

  1. Now i am a skeptic of this theory. But The video evidence of a missile does not add up. There seems to be no large explosion in the ariel view, just a large blip and it stays that way for 5 frames or so… If this where to add up to the security footage on the ground, there should be a large fireball after it hits. To me it seems sketchy. Im not denying what happened, but this does not add up as far as the overhead view.

    1. One thing for sure it was not a passenger jet liner either for it could not get so close to the ground and be controlled and a hole the size shown could never have been caused by a plane the wings would have been sheered off.

      Missal makes the most sense.

    2. I agree… the fireball didn’t show, and it should have appeared even more spectacular when viewed from that altitude; regardless of how blurred this “alleged” 911 film is.

      At first I thought someone had a copy of video tape from a security camera film that is mounted on the top of the Sheraton Hotel (across the street); however, this footage moved, so it had to be done from a helicopter. It is unlikely that a private helicopter was in the air on 911, with a camera focused on the (unknown) target zone of the Pentagon.

      This faked footage was on the Internet several months ago. The blurred film footage is (intentionally) convenient because it hides the ‘animated digital overlay’ of a missile flying into the Pentagon, and the smoldering of expanding smoke… but no fire.

      This video will once again be admitted or, shown to be a hoax, which will dilute the 911 Truth Movement to being comprised of only wacko conspiracy theorists who think that the Government is out to get them.

  2. TPTB will never allow the truth to come out.
    So much about the official narrative is a lie and I think most would be shocked at what really happened because of how conflicting it is with what they believe.
    To consider the ramifications is too much for them to bear; that elements within our own establishment orchestrated the attack.

  3. The Gov was behind the entire 9/11 disaster in many ways, not a solo project by the US either I suspect. Obviously this is only opinion as I have no proof – these areas are cleared up immediately after (not strange at all if one is covering something up; no, not covering the bodies from the airliner, not that any were seen…).

    If it was missile, airliner or a little green man in a saucer is irrelevant; the reason for and the changes allowed (read: forced) after 9/11 are the only things that matter.

    Tyranny Abounds

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