This page is for 99er videos. It can be a music video, and instructional video, or even a rant. Of course we are going to show some class, therefore there will be no filthy language involved. You know me, I’ll use a cuss word now and again and even a little profanity if I am really angry, and that is fine. Just keep it classy.
If you have a video you want published on this page, send me a link in an email to and I will put it up.
Joey Duenas – Rise Up, Stand Up, Get Up Posted 3-02-11
Rosemarie Ashley – Until My Dreams Come True Posted 3-04-11
Anthony – All the Jobs are Gone Posted 7-18-11
Jacob – Eyes of the Elders Posted 10-15-11
Keith – What is really going on in the world Posted 07-17-12
I want to express my opinion on the Unemployment. They say that the number of people applying for Unemployment has went down but do people understand that the reason for this is because of all those who have lost their benefits? Everyone wa…nts to make it sound as though the economy is actually improving when the real truth is that there’s really been no improvement at all. Alot of people and their families are suffering and until a change actually is made the suffering will continue. I personally don’t understand how the Government is suppose to help people when they need it when at the same time they are turning people down for their unemployment benefits. Instead of looking at the number of people on unemployment I think that someone should look at the number of people who are now homeless or on welfare. I’m confident that if those numbers were compared they would show that the economy hasn’t changed but either has stayed the same or gotten worse. Instead of trying to assure everyone that things are getting better, how about letting everyone know the real truth so that people are prepared and there’s no false hope for the near future.
I want to express my opinion on the Unemployment. They say that the number of people applying for Unemployment has went down but do people understand that the reason for this is because of all those who have lost their benefits? Everyone wa…nts to make it sound as though the economy is actually improving when the real truth is that there’s really been no improvement at all. Alot of people and their families are suffering and until a change actually is made the suffering will continue. I personally don’t understand how the Government is suppose to help people when they need it when at the same time they are turning people down for their unemployment benefits. Instead of looking at the number of people on unemployment I think that someone should look at the number of people who are now homeless or on welfare. I’m confident that if those numbers were compared they would show that the economy hasn’t changed but either has stayed the same or gotten worse. Instead of trying to assure everyone that things are getting better, how about letting everyone know the real truth so that people are prepared and there’s no false hope for the near future.
How do you change lies that the majority of people believe.
I don’t think you can.
They have to experience the plight themselves.
Unfortunately it will be too late then.
When our food prices double like they did in Egypt and other countries then when Americans have to decide between eating or putting gas in thier car like many do already, then we shall rise up.. unfortunatley thats what it will take…! starvation does alot to the human mind…
How do you change lies that the majority of people believe.
I don’t think you can.
They have to experience the plight themselves.
Unfortunately it will be too late then.
When our food prices double like they did in Egypt and other countries then when Americans have to decide between eating or putting gas in thier car like many do already, then we shall rise up.. unfortunatley thats what it will take…! starvation does alot to the human mind…
where will we unite all unemployed have a voice and we need to gather it together. a walk agains washington could help!
where will we unite all unemployed have a voice and we need to gather it together. a walk agains washington could help!
A (Hypocite) is saying one thing and doing another? WHAT has MR.OBAMA done in washington with TAX’S and cut monies from the program’s that help the poor people, MR.OBAMA has said he will stop wall street and the big bank from abuss. what has he done, He MR.Obama has pass big deal’s of money for wall street and big bank. and said to the (Black Caucas) not to batter him with the 99er’s or unemployed.
A (Hypocite) is saying one thing and doing another? WHAT has MR.OBAMA done in washington with TAX’S and cut monies from the program’s that help the poor people, MR.OBAMA has said he will stop wall street and the big bank from abuss. what has he done, He MR.Obama has pass big deal’s of money for wall street and big bank. and said to the (Black Caucas) not to batter him with the 99er’s or unemployed. HISPANIC’S ARE BEING SHOVE’D ASIDE BY mr.OBAMA
A (Hypocite) is saying one thing and doing another? WHAT has MR.OBAMA done in washington with TAX’S and cut monies from the program’s that help the poor people, MR.OBAMA has said he will stop wall street and the big bank from abuss. what has he done, He MR.Obama has pass big deal’s of money for wall street and big bank. and said to the (Black Caucas) not to batter him with the 99er’s or unemployed.
A (Hypocite) is saying one thing and doing another? WHAT has MR.OBAMA done in washington with TAX’S and cut monies from the program’s that help the poor people, MR.OBAMA has said he will stop wall street and the big bank from abuss. what has he done, He MR.Obama has pass big deal’s of money for wall street and big bank. and said to the (Black Caucas) not to batter him with the 99er’s or unemployed. HISPANIC’S ARE BEING SHOVE’D ASIDE BY mr.OBAMA