P Diddy (Sean Combs) and Paul Pelosi took out PPP loans during the COVID pandemic – P Diddy net worth $1 billion, took out $1.9 million PPP loan – Paul Pelosi and Nancy Pelosi net worth $272 million, took out $1.7 million loan Both loans were forgiven. Paid for by US Taxpayers

One thought on “P Diddy (Sean Combs) and Paul Pelosi took out PPP loans during the COVID pandemic – P Diddy net worth $1 billion, took out $1.9 million PPP loan – Paul Pelosi and Nancy Pelosi net worth $272 million, took out $1.7 million loan Both loans were forgiven. Paid for by US Taxpayers

  1. Don’t forget Tom Brady, worth 25+ million and his wife worth 75+ million. Took around a million for his t-shirt business. Disgraceful.


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