“America First but actually it’s Israel First” “I don’t trust they put American Values ahead of their concern for for a foreign nation”

3 thoughts on ““America First but actually it’s Israel First” “I don’t trust they put American Values ahead of their concern for for a foreign nation”

  1. Too lightweight, Candace. So, you liked Trump’s speech, eh? Did you not see how he glazed over the Gaza genocide and said nothing about the plight of the Palestinians? And it was sickening to hear talk about restoring free speech as he clamps down on protesting and truth-telling. He went on to compare Venezuelan terrorists to ISIS, hiding that Israel created ISIS. He put a spotlight on the escalation of childhood cancers and dutifully ignored/hid the fact that many doctors have come forth blaming the “vaccine.” And he had the nerve to mention the patriots of 1775, right in the same week he and his Attorney General plan to “take the guns” from those who might POSSIBLY be mentally challenged. That could be all of us, should they need it to be.

    Candace, why not come all the way home?


      1. Here’s one more from Stefanki:


        I’m still reeling from those ten or so seconds starting @ 0:21 where she praises Trump for “aligning U.S. Central Command with Israel.” Why didn’t she just come right out and say, “How wonderful!! You surrendered full command to us?”

        A lot of folks are falling for the hope again. Bill of Rights waiting in the wings. Hope of hopes. SOLUTION. It only happens if we make it happen. What can we do but do what we can to make it happen.


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