I despair – briefly – at how hundreds of millions of people (at least) cannot see that a government controlled to its DNA by Israel is not there to put America first or ‘fight globalism’.

By David Icke

Their hero Kennedy now wants to target freedom of speech justified by ‘antisemitism’ after coming out to promote vaccines that he spent years condemning.

The man personifies the bait and switch government that has ensnared its own supporters by telling them what they want to hear while covertly, and very publicly, doing the opposite – as always planned. Kennedy has long been an Israel apologist and would not have been hired by a Trump/Musk government unless he was. Here he is speaking in the summer of 2023. It don’t age well …

One thought on “I despair – briefly – at how hundreds of millions of people (at least) cannot see that a government controlled to its DNA by Israel is not there to put America first or ‘fight globalism’.

  1. Kennedy. A very sick man, and totally owned. And a flip-flopper of flip-floppers. A question so often asked: How does he live with himself? How? Yeah, rich, famous, part of the control team, but late at night, when he lays his head on the pillow, is he haunted? Just wondering.


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