A Former Soldiers Message about LaVoy Finicum’s Murder

Published on Feb 8, 2016 by False Flag Awareness Canada 1

As a Former Soldier and schooled in Policing, I am disgusted by this Obvious as hell Murder. They were forced into a kill zone. Sickening.
The Video Utilizes Video released by the FBI Itself. Fair Use.
Must watch video from Multiple Sheriffs including Sheriff Palmer from Grant County, where LaVoy was trying to get to for safety.
Please Reference the source videos here. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOCy

7 thoughts on “A Former Soldiers Message about LaVoy Finicum’s Murder

  1. Seems to me these bastards got another free WACO
    Actually quite a few F.W’s

    Not sure what it’s going to be to make them take notice , but I feel they sure are poking the bear and when it bites , you can bet the crying will dround out anything you’ve ever heard before
    Be ready to give their crys as much respect as they have given us , it’s only fair

    I will never forget , and I will base my response to how these pigs have changed my world

    No quarter , no respect , no back up
    Some day I could be called upon by cercumstance to step in and defend one .. I will look the other way , and or quite possibly walk away from doing what they have the job and training to do but have chosen to act as they do now , they have sealed this fate with me by thier actions , not mine
    The actions of turning this back on us to blame their actions on us as a whole , will also be used against them as an admition of thier own guilt for turning this country into police state

    1. They were likely Mossad or Shin Bet, that’s who is training our regular police to be such killers. I’m sure they were back in Israel in less than 12 hours, for fear they would be hunted down. History shows that imported killers are far less likely to hesitate, & since Israel owns Washington DC lock, stock & barrel, they are the logical choice.

  2. They won’t release the truck with a hell of a lot more than 3 rounds in it and I heard somewhere that one of officers involved has been on a few “kill teams”.

    They not only gunned LaVoy down, they walked up and “capped him off” in the head while he laid there wounded. Do we have names yet? Who pulled the trigger on that last head shot? I want names, I want people strung up for this. I’ll be goddamned if I’ll step out of a vehicle with hands up! Depending upon conditions, especially after seeing that, I doubt I would even stop voluntarily. As always, I’ll be packin’, it’s my right.

  3. That was very sad music for a sad situation. If I try to mention the atrocity of this to the self centered person on the street, they respond with sarcasm and obvious lack or knowledge or concern. That’s even more sad.
    RIP Lavoy. This changed everything.

  4. Look who you hurt you sub-human murdering devils.
    Your daughters are sluts.
    Lavoy’s daughters are ladies.

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