2 thoughts on “A Palestinian child was sniped and killed by the Israeli military at the gate of the Nasser Medical Complex.

  1. It’s getting harder and harder to just go on with every-day life knowing that genocide is raging, in so many places and at so many different levels. Doing chores, saying ‘good morning,’ it all feels like pretend. I woke up wanting to tell all Trenchers HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!! But then the genocide awareness flooded in as it floods into every other good experience. Some pretend bigger, deeper. Laugh and smile, stuck in the “It can’t happen here” mindset, not knowing it already is, just slower and in so many varied ways. Genocide. Children blown to bits. Starvation. But still I find myself wanting to say Happy Valentine’s Day because love is still a good thing and genocide can’t erase that fact. Could be love itself is the biggest reason we fight, fight for those we love.

    And here we are on Valentine’s Day, with the jews waging genocide, masacreing families. WTF, Israel?!! You have long been revealed as ANTI-LOVE and you have messed up Valentine’s Day for me and so many others. And who was that guy Saint Valentine who started all this? Found out he lived in the Middle Ages and was a champion of chivalry and ‘loving nobly.’ He was martyred for fighting persecution. Well of course!! They couldn’t let a popular proponent of “Freedom of Religion” go on living. Empires don’t like that.

    So to honor the tradition that I grew up with I still have to say: HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY, TRENCHERS!! If we were all back in 4th grade I’d be sending you one of those little Valentine cards and passing out those tiny candy hearts. If only I could send them to the children of Palestine.


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