6 thoughts on “A Timely World Declaration!

  1. It’s been 7 years since this was recorded. Ain’t that the standard Statute of Limitations?
    Just more hope porn.
    At least it wasn’t “BOMBSHELL REPORT!!” That’s getting tired. As is Q.
    Ho, hum, on accounta she don’t know the words.

  2. Les Visible, who I think made this video (by the sound of his voice–that V for Vendetta voice) has some interesting things on his blog. Lives in France from what I know. But like most others really only assumes he knows what the elites are up to. Kinda like that VidReb guy. Hope, not action.

    1. And another thing Les, Hamas was FOUNDED AND FUNDED BY ISRAEL! Do your homework, okay, before you announce that this org is the legit ruler of Palestinians!

    2. DL, this is Snordster who lives in Africa. One of his videos about his home and village burning down explains this. This is how I learned he’s in Africa.

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