16 thoughts on “AI: The Plan To Invade Humanity

  1. What is the energy web stuff coming off the guys fingers and behind his coat? This is at the end of the vid when he is talking.
    There is a lot of info in this vid., very plausible scenarios he sets up. He should have mentioned that Israel is at the for front of this technology.
    I kept wondering what he looked liked during listening to the vid. Well, at the end low and behold he shows up with glowing web light between his fingers and at the sides of his coat. The way he used his hands when speaking was weird. Something about his middle fingers. I searched around and found him on the War Room with Owen Shroyer which is part of Info Wars. At 1:50 in this vid. he mentions the persecution of the Jewish people as the basis of his law suit. Again, A LOT of hammering China which again is the A Jones/ Info Wars speak. I would bet money if I was a betting person this guy is jewish.
    I don’t doubt the tech can be used as he describes.

    1. BAM! Katie….. another psyop lol…. of course communist red china is evil (and tech can and will be used for evil in the hands of evil) but who is their puppet master?

      1. He has a bachelors in Homeland Security. Hmmm. Mary did you read the other comment I posted here about his bio?

    2. I agree about the “this guy is Jewish” part (and Shroyer of course is just another ZioShill) even though the name Cyrus Parsa sounds Iranian–considering while he’s talking about genocide NO MENTION of Israel’s genocide of Palestinians! As with AJ there are times I think when they mention “China” it’s because they are too afraid to admit it is Israel, not China! (of course, I am sure China is connected as well considering that Israel likely thinks they’ll dump the US and now go with China…after all, how much more money does Israel think it can cajole out of the US as the US economy completely crashes–as planned of course).

  2. About Cyrus Parsa
    “Cyrus A. Parsa is the Founder and CEO of The AI Organization, Loyal Guardian Security and The Social Programming Institute. All created to assist in making our society safer and better. Cyrus has a Bachelors in International Security & Conflict Resolution, and a Master’s Degree in Homeland Security. He is an expert in China-Iran affairs, and has consulted on Human-Organ Tracking, Anti-Terrorism, Vulnerability, Risk, Asset Management and Emerging Threats to governments, agencies, people and organizations. He lived in the mountains of China with fighting monks as a youth. 20 years of hidden research, and development, with a network of thousands of Chinese and Westerners, allowed for great insight into the threats we face from China, Iran and the Western inter-connectivity. Cyrus’s discoveries have led him to coin the new concepts of “The AI Global Bio-Digital Network, The Human Bio-Digital Network, Bio-Digital Social Programming, Bio-Digital Field, Bio-Matter, Rape-Mind, Bio-Digital Hybrid Sexual Assault & Micro-Botic Terrorism” to explain how the dangers we face, and all the trouble we find ourselves in, are rooted in these almost imperceptible elements that are now connecting with AI, Society, Smart Phones, IoT, and Robotics through one platform. Within this platform, Cyrus found extinction codes.”

  3. Thanks Mary, I like this guy. If what Katie researched is true, and he lived with Shaolin Monks, he’s probably pretty based, and hurt by what China is doing to them. Recently I read an article and the cover photo showed a line of buses filled with 3500 Tibetans who were ripped from their village and whisked to re ed camps. I can’t stop thinking about those souls and pray for them and the other oppressed, which we may soon be if we do not stand.
    I don’t think he’s a zio pumper, just a caring guy who is trying to be fairly polite to get the message out.
    If the mangods cull humanity to half a billion, with 50 million as the gods and the rest slaves…they’ll kill each other off with their robot armies…and the meek will inherit the earth…
    My figure 8 theory- start at the bottom of the 8- that’s darkness, devoid of life- then comes life- then the technology increases- that’s the first upward leg of the 8- as it crosses, life is better from the tech- but then, tech starts turning against humanity- as the 8 curves and heads right at humanity- that’s where we are right now- and when the 8 makes its first cross…that’s extinction, caused by tech- and this goes on and on forever…mankind’s tech kills itself off. over and over.
    Good luck jews, ya gonna lose!!!!!!!


    1. Listening to his interview I found him to be genuinely concerned about the plight of humanity. He said he was able to see a coming attack on Trump by China using weaponized tech. He mentioned he was able to get information to him about such an attack. Is this the reason for the anti China rhetoric? Most are aware the banksters need a war. Would taking Trump out ensure that war? Anyone who thinks ‘they’ wouldn’t throw him under the bus to achieve their goal is naive.

      1. Steve Bannon is making threats of war with China in the patented neocon way- the “democracy” spreading neocons want to topple the “eeevil” Xi- same play as Syria, Libya, Iraq.
        B O’Connell has always impressed me, and he’s predicting war with China. He’s back on j tube. His vid about Bannon is eye opening.
        Accord to BOC, Intel is outmoded and AMD (Taiwan Semiconductor, located in Taiwan) is the leader by a universe.
        This alone could warrant a zionist war, using American lives and money, to get control of Taiwan.
        But I think the Norona op includes knocking down China as well as plunging the world into economic collapse that necessitates the introduction of a One World Crypto currency, thus taking all relative value away from currency. At this point they can produce all the money they want.

    2. ‘that’s extinction, caused by tech- and this goes on and on forever…mankind’s tech kills itself off. over and over.’ yup

      1. I’m straining myself to see his point of view on Trump 🙁 ……
        all I got was a hemorrhoid

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