One thought on “Al Qaeda’s Air Force strikes again

  1. No one died at Sandy Hook is “captain crazy” land to Mr. Dawson?

    “Lunatics” think the dollar is going to collapse, and fear the release of a “bio-virus”?

    “Al-Qaeda on 9-11 was also allied with the Israelis”

    “state support from Israel and Saudi Arabia for the Wahabi factions that attacked on 9-11”

    He does mention the Zionists as behind 9-11, but other things he says make it seem like he’s actually trying to intentionally discredit himself, and by association, the idea that Zionists were behind this and other events.

    I’m not sure what Mr. Dawson’s game is, but he’s definitely twisting the truth for one reason or another, and completely wrong about a lot of things he should be up to speed on, because he has been around (on Rivero’s site) for too long not to know these things.

    Some truth, as usual, but too much of what he says is absurd for me to listen to anymore of this.

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