America Must Immediately Exit These Three Groups In Order to Survive

The Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

There are three organizations that America must exit immediately, if the Constitution and our standard of living is to survive. The three groups whose actions demand our quick and immediate withdrawal from are NATO, the United Nations and any form of central banking participation.

NATO. the United Nations, he United Nations and the central banks are working towards the unification pf the planet from a political, economic and culture. There are very specific dangers that globalization holds for America.  

The Dangers of Globalization for Americans

Previous regionalization efforts have demonstrated the development of a midpoint. For example, if economic consolidation is needed among several currencies, there needs to be an established level of value for the regional currency and eventually the global currency. For example if Currency A, the highest currency to be regionalized is worth 20 times more than the lowest currency, Currency B, which is worth $10. A midpoint must be established. In this simple example, the people holding Currency A would have to lower their currency to $15. this would represent a 50% drop in value. If we exclude for the 2/3’rds of illegal immigrants who are on welfare and the 35% of Americans that are on welfare, Americans have the highest standard of living. However, that would be given away through a regionalization/globalization of the currency.

If you are an American citizen, you have the only system of government, a Constitutional Republic, in which civil liberties are enumerated and guaranteed regardless of who is in power. At best, there are other nations that say their people have sNuch liberties as freedom of speech, however, they exist in a Communitarian system of government in which rights are only guaranteed until it is no longer in the greater good.  And who decides what is in the “greater good” or the “common interest”?

The Need to Withdraw From NATO

Macron does not need to raise an European army to oppose Russia, China and the US as he stated last week. NATO has become the defacto army of the EU. On behalf of their central banker benefactors,  NATO is doing its best to provoke WW III with Russia. They are rallying along the Russia border in a clear attempt provoke a Russian response.

NATO is helping the Ukraine militarily challenge Russia, violate territorial waters and provoke Russian ships on the high seas.  It is obvious that NATO is looking for a trigger event that will set off WW III.

There is not one action that NATO is taking in terms of supporting the needs of the American people or its government. Yet, American financial support forms the backbone of the organization. The time to exit has come and there is  an immediate need to withdraw. If we do not, millions of Americans will die in the war NATO is trying to provoke.

The Need to Withdraw From the UN

The United Nations can be characterized as a collection of tin horn dictatorships fully that do not respect the rule of law and fully embrace socialism which has miserably failed everywhere it has been employed.

I recently did a broadcast which fully explored the claim that the UN recently made when they said there were going to be the global authority by the year 2030. Further, I covered how the UN is demanding that member nations fine and jail anyone who express criticism of UN migration policy. These facts alone fully expose the fully loss of sovereignty of the United States.

The UN fully embraces forced vaccinations, abortion and assisted suicides. They hold Christianity in disdain and frequently legislate against the religion. Their peacekeepers are anything but peacekeepers. They are frequently present where genocide is ongoing and the best example was Rwanda.

The clear goal of the UN is the erasure of complete sovereignty for each member state. If the people of this country ever become a member of any global governance overseen by the UN, we could expect to see the complete loss of our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.

Under the UN our border security will be erased thus opening the door to terrorists entering who have bad intentions. You will experience the loss of self-expression, the right bear arms in self-defense and there will likely be no real due process.

The time to exit the is now and the need is immediate.

The Federal Reserve Must Be Nationalized

Presently, the Federal Reserve is raising interest rates in the midst of a low inflationary environment. This is devastating to an economy and is contributing to ups and downs of the stock market. The Federal Reserve would rather win the day for globalism than to protect the dollar. In fact the FED has announced they are staring their own bitcoin in 2019. I believe this is their escape hatch.

Why does the Federal Reserve oppose Trump and is willing to deliberately hurt the economy? Because they oppose his brand of nationalism. They are dedicated to the formation of a globalist new world order.

I would be remiss if did not mention the following (Henslin, Introduction to Sociology, 2015, page 412):

  1. From 1800-1913, the value of the dollar remained unchanged
  2. After the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the value of the dollar had dropped to three cents by 2015.

The time to leave the Federal Reserve is now. The debt, owed almost exclusively to the bankers, needs to be repudiated.

I recently interviewed ex-CIA Robert Steele, and he clearly stated the Federal Reserve must be nationalized.


We are being assimilated into the collective. Your economic future, your sovereignty and freedoms are at risk. The only solution is for President Trump to use his power to withdraw from all three groups. Putin and China are in the same boat. America and Russia should form the new alliance with Russia after firing Mueller and indicting every Democratic Congress person who is aligned with foreign elements and have declared these allegiances (eg Feinstein, Schumer, Pelosi, et al).

Russia and America are the new NATO. Debt repudiation is the new economic policy. National sovereignty trumps international law and treaties. This is all about nationalism vs globalism.  It is 30 seconds to midnight.

The Common Sense Show


2 thoughts on “America Must Immediately Exit These Three Groups In Order to Survive

  1. So what are you gonna do about it, Dave ol’ boy? (You could at least tell me something I don’t know but instead you tell me something I’ve known since the mid-90s!)

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