American lawmakers take US closer to war with Russia: Ron Paul

Ron Paul Press TV

Former US congressman Ron Paul says American lawmakers are seeking to drag the United States into a war with Russia by passing an anti-Russia resolution.

The former presidential candidate wrote in an article on Sunday that the US House of Representatives last week voted overwhelmingly in favor of an anti-Russia resolution “so full of war propaganda that it rivals the rhetoric from the chilliest era of the Cold War.”

“We must keep an eye on those Members of Congress who vote to take us closer to war with Russia,” Paul said. “The hawks in Washington believe that last month’s election gave them free rein to start more wars. Now more than ever they must be challenged!”  

He added that much of the bill ironically condemned Russia for doing exactly what the US government has been doing for years in Syria and Ukraine.

Paul explained that Washington slammed Moscow for imposing sanctions against Ukraine while the Obama administration itself imposed several rounds of sanctions against Russia.

He noted that Moscow was criticized for “invasion of Ukraine,” but it was the United States that supported a coup against the country’s democratically elected president in February and violated Ukraine’s sovereignty.

According to Paul, the Kremlin was attacked for attempts to illegally acquire information about the US government, but former US contractor Edward Snowden revealed that the US National Security Agency was spying on “most of the rest of the world, including our allies!”

The former congressman called the bill “one of the worst pieces of legislation I can remember,” and said it was “nothing but war propaganda and it will likely lead to all sorts of unintended consequences.”

He also blasted American lawmakers that voted in favor of the resolution.

“Probably most of those who voted in favor did not bother to read the bill. Others who read it and still voted in favor may have calculated that the bill would not come up in the Senate. So they could vote yes and please the hawks in their districts,” Paul wrote.

One thought on “American lawmakers take US closer to war with Russia: Ron Paul

  1. Folks might want to take a week and listen to Russian Radio broadcasts?

    Take a look at all the American big tikett Items they buy from us?

    Go to russia and interact with the russian people. Those people are NOT our enemy. They are digging themselves out of a dark and terrible place the ZIONIST put them in for 70 years and now the ZIONIST are trying to do the same to an armed american population and are doing everything they can to crate a pretect to start a war with a country who’s not our enemy any more than NORWAY is. In fact the peiple there have a very high Blond Hair Blue or Grey eye count like Scandinavia. Take a close look at that fair haired boy who is their president.

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