Americans turning on social media, most think it hurts democracy: Poll

Washington Examiner – by Katelyn Caralle

U.S. adults have begun to turn on social media giants like Facebook and Twitter, and a majority believes that these social media platforms have done more to hurt democracy and free speech than help.

Last year, 43 percent of U.S. adults thought social media hurt society, but that increased to 57 percent in 2018, according to an Axios poll conducted through mid November.  

Both Democrats and Republicans have soured on social media, as Republicans have claimed censorship of conservative voices, and Democrats have complained about the use of targeted ads that they say can be used to discriminate against minorities.

Nine percent more Democrats believe social media hurts free speech than last year, and 17 percent more Republicans feel that way, the poll said.

Overall, however, 63 percent of U.S. adults 18 and older say that social media plays a positive role in their lives, and 40 percent say social media has a positive affect on society.


3 thoughts on “Americans turning on social media, most think it hurts democracy: Poll

  1. Now they are poling our 1st Article. Regardless of the #’s you can’t shut us up. Lots of other platforms are being introduced that will NOT censor our voices. Hopefully they don’t sell out.

  2. I really don’t anything about this democracy thing that they speak of. The last time I checked, my country is a Constitutional Republic.

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