Andrew Gold – Lonely Boy

Uploaded on Sep 12, 2009 by centuryrox

From his 1976 album “What’s Wrong With This Picture?”

(There are actually 32 things wrong with the picture.…


He was born on a summer day, 1951
And with the slap of a hand
He had landed as an only son
His mother and father said “what a lovely boy”
We’ll teach him what we learned
Ah yes, just what we learned
We’ll dress him up warmly and
We’ll send him to school
It’ll teach him how to fight
To be nobody’s fool

Oh, oh, what a lonely boy
Oh, what a lonely boy
Oh, what a lonely boy

In the summer of ’53 his mother
Brought him a sister
But she told him “we must attend to her needs”
“She’s so much younger than you”
Well, he ran down the hall and he cried
Oh, how could his parents have lied
When they said he was an only son
He thought he was the only one

Oh, oh, what a lonely boy
Oh, what a lonely boy
Oh, what a lonely boy

[Instrumental Interlude]

Goodbye Mama
Goodbye to you
Goodbye Papa
I’m pushin’ on through

He left home on a winter day, 1969
And he hoped to find all the love
He had lost in that earlier time
Well, his sister grew up
And she married a man
He gave her a son
Ah yes, a lovely son
They dressed him up warmly
They sent him to school
It taught him how to fight
To be nobody’s fool

Oh, oh, what a lonely boy
Oh, what a lonely boy
Oh, what a lonely boy

21 thoughts on “Andrew Gold – Lonely Boy

  1. Geeze guys, this is really a song/story of my life but in no way am I lonley because I have been indoctuenated many many years ago to be this way and that is why the PTB do not like me.
    Yea guys I do wish I had people around me but that would be a very rare person for me to be around.
    Yo guys here are about the best for meya know.
    Yea guys this song realy is the story of my life – ask Millard and Milard knows about the most about me.
    Yea guys ya`ll I am one of those freaks that really is what we all talk about but actualy do it and people cannot handle it as they are not honest enough.
    I am not or is it society is not ready for digger dan.
    No guys I am not lonley just holding people to their honesty to be trusted so when ya look at it that way I do not trust society and their games and therefor I have no time to be lonely 🙂 🙂 very serious as some of you know that have my e-mail and ph # .
    I love you guys and that is great enough for me because I am real people with you guys and there is no lonelyness allowed when honesty is involved damnit. YEA I LOVE YOU GUY HERE WE ARE FAMILY DAMNIT !!

        1. Yes I do Dan. You have a good heart. Don’t ever forget that. No matter what. No-one can take that from you. No-one.

    1. LOL I knew that. Didn’t take it as a sign that you were “down” at all. Wasn’t worried about you for a second, Bro. 😉

      1. Angel we stand tall and we know it sister. I am proud to say it too
        Yea I am anti social and only a few like us people here are welcome any time day or night were I am at. We are a special breed I think and We are to be admired and to be respected when compared to the others.
        you know we love ya Angel as well as the honest ones here!! We are honorable and deservering

        1. Human company is highly overrated, and I think it’s really just a bad habit people get into.

          It’s real easy to be alone without being lonely, and once you get used to being alone, human company becomes bothersome.

          I’m a hermit too, Dan. I generally don’t deal with humans anymore unless I have to.

          1. “Human company is highly overrated, and I think it’s really just a bad habit people get into” man you can say that again.

        1. Is Paul Simon related to Carly Simon? I ask because she’s the daughter of the Simon in Simon & Shuster Publishing company. (Zionists)

          1. No, they aren’t related.

            “Paul was the first child of Louis and Belle Simon. Paul’s father Louis was born in 1916 in Newark New Jersey,and was an accomplished, professional bass player who performed on radio and television (and was referred to in the first line of the song ´Baby Driver´). Paul later referred, that he was really an excellent musician and his teacher in music. He also earned a doctorate in linguistics from New York University and was a professor of education at the City College of New York. His mother was an elementary school teacher until she quit to raise Paul and his younger brother, Eddie.She later returned to teaching and was a first grade teacher at PS164 Queens until she retired in 1975. Paul´s father died in January 1995 at his home in Eaglewoods Cliffs NJ and his mother died on the 16 June 2007. in Paul’s parents were a huge influence in many ways. First, his mother had a religious influence on her boy. Paul grew up being fully aware of his Jewish heritage and his mother especially observed many traditional Jewish customs and tried, like many Jewish mothers, to bring her two sons up with these customs. Unlike his mother, Paul´s father was not one for visiting the Synagogue, nor observing Jewish tradition and this also had an effect on the two boys. Louis was leaving Belle to go alone to Synagogue wailing, ´Why am I the only one who goes to Synagogue?´ “

          2. …Perhaps the biggest influence from Paul’s father was musical. One of his best experiences with his father, according to Paul, was when he was sitting on his bed in his room singing to Alice In Wonderland, and his father walked by and heard him. He turned to Paul and said: ´You have a very nice voice´. From that day on Paul would see himself as someone who could sing. Paul would sometimes go with his father to various gigs. There he would listen to the various sounds of the different bands on the bill. So, throughout his childhood, Paul was surrounded by many forms of music. Louis didn´t encourage Paul in a musical career, though he was a successful musician; his many years in his profession showed how precarious it could be and Louis and Belle wanted their sons to be in secure employment. Paul said that his parents would say, ´You practice guitar for a straight 6 hours a day when you should be studying. What do you want to be, a musician!´

          3. Thanks for that history lesson, Angel.

            Now I’m going to guess that PS164 is in Corona, Queens. (good-bye Rosie, queen of Corona, see me and Julio down by the schoolyard)

            Baby Driver is a great tune too.

  2. Hey guys, here is a really good monday morning brain teaser for us all.
    Check out that link underneath that video that asks what are the 32 things that are wrong with that cover there – it is the link just above the lyrics for this song. Pretty good stuff that I would have never noticed 🙂 🙂 😉

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