3 thoughts on “Another “Theory” that came to life

  1. The book he refers to is “The Contagion Myth, Why Viruses (including “Coronavirus”) Are Not The Cause of Disease” Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell
    I read it over the weekend. Excellent. Banned by Amazon.

  2. If any government was truly caring for us, interested in us and wanted. “good” for us they would quit planning our depopulation with the help of Soros, UN, Gates and this administration.
    I have not been ill for 10 years and counting. The reason is not perverse. It has to do with exercise, no soda pop, no killer energy drinks, etc., diet, positive thinking when life deals a blow. I also take NANO silver but not just any one. St. George Namo..we know these fine people..hence, we know we are getting the best for less. It is anti-viral, anti-yeast, anti-pesticide and anti-bacterial. Close to losing a kitten I put all of the kittens on it..two days recovery was in place
    No, I am not paid in any way for sharing…my payment is anyone of you doing this and have a disease free life from illnesses related.

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