Patriot Rising

A Leon County, Florida Circuit Court judge has just given rogue, anti-gun public officials a “get-out-of-jail-free card.”

This court has effectively given tacit approval for local government officials to knowingly and willfully violate the state preemption law by striking down the penalty provisions. The message is: go ahead and violate the law, the state can’t punish you.   Continue reading “Court Rules Public Officials Can’t Be Punished for Violating the Law”


The nearly two-year special counsel investigation of Russian election interference led by Robert Mueller cost nearly $32 million in total, a new filing shows.

The expenditures report, shared with CNBC by the Department of Justice on Friday, covers the final eight months of the probe, in which the special counsel spent about $6.56 million. About $4.12 million of that was spent through the special counsel’s office directly, and $2.44 million came from DOJ components that supported Mueller’s office. Continue reading “Robert Mueller’s Russia probe cost nearly $32 million in total, Justice Department says”

Rutherford Institute – by John W Whitehead

Adolf Hitler is alive and well in the United States, and he is fast rising to power.”—Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, on the danger posed by the FBI to our civil liberties

Despite the finger-pointing and outcries of dismay from those who are watching the government discard the rule of law at every turn, the question is not whether Donald Trump is the new Adolf Hitler but whether the American Police State is the new Third Reich.  Continue reading “The Rise of the American Gestapo: Has It Already Happened Here?”

Fox News

The Justice Department has decided against prosecuting former FBI Director James Comey for leaking classified information following a referral from the department’s inspector general, sources familiar with the deliberations told Fox News.

“Everyone at the DOJ involved in the decision said it wasn’t a close call,” one official said. “They all thought this could not be prosecuted.”  Continue reading “DOJ will not prosecute Comey for leaking memos after IG referral: sources”

NextGov – by Jack Corrigan

The Pentagon last year purchased thousands of Chinese tech products that contained known cybersecurity vulnerabilities, and officials have yet to enact policies to stop it from happening again, an internal watchdog found.

In 2018, the department bought more than 9,500 commercial printers, computers and cameras despite warnings that adversaries could use the products to infiltrate networks and spy on personnel, according to an inspector general audit. The procurements, which totaled roughly $33 million, expose significant shortcomings in the department’s supply chain security policies that persist to this day, auditors said in a redacted report published Tuesday.  Continue reading “The Pentagon Spent Millions on Vulnerable Chinese Tech in 2018, Watchdog Says”

Air Force Magazine – by Rachel Cohen

Only six of the Air Force’s 61 B-1 bombers are fully mission-capable, a South Dakota senator said July 30. 

The B-1 fleet is in the midst of an intensive slate of maintenance work and upgrades. Of the 61 jets, 15 are in depot maintenance and 39 aircraft are down for inspections or other issues, Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) said during a Senate Armed Services Committee confirmation hearing for Gen. John Hyten, the US Strategic Command chief who is under consideration to become vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.   
Continue reading “Senator: About 10 Percent of B-1s are Fully Combat-Ready” – by Rabbi Marc Lee Raphael

The following passages are from Dr. Raphael’s book Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary History (New York: Behrman House, Inc., Pub, 1983), pp. 14, 23-25.

“Jews also took an active part in the Dutch colonial slave trade; indeed, the bylaws of the Recife and Mauricia congregations (1648) included an imposta (Jewish tax) of five soldos for each Negro slave a Brazilian Jew purchased from the West Indies Company. Slave auctions were postponed if they fell on a Jewish holiday. Continue reading “Jewish Involvement In Black Slave Trade To The Americas”

Desert Peace – by Evelyn Hecht-Galinski

No, the story can not be covered up, every attempt is doomed to failure in the long run. Even though the “Jewish State” maintains the most efficient “cover-up center”, the secretive security section of the Zionist “War Department” for “blue-and-white washing”. (1) The documents about the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, the evidence of expulsion, deportations of about 800,000 Palestinians, massacres, rape, raids and destruction by the “Jewish Defense Army” at the founding of the state on its murderous way to the Judaisierung, one wants again to the secret thing do. Thanks to the Israeli daily Haaretz, this attempt, which has been going on for years, to make the Nakba (catastrophe) disappear into secret archives, has been uncovered. (2)  Continue reading “Uncovering The Attempts To Steal All Of Palestinian Land”

Gateway Pundit – by Kristinn Taylor

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) posted a video Saturday bragging about how he had escorted an eight-and-a-half months pregnant migrant from Mexico into the U.S. because the woman allegedly was having a difficult pregnancy. Wyden does not tell viewers that the woman is a Mexican citizen and that she brought her husband and 3-year-old son with her across the border. Apparently there are no competent maternity hospitals in Mexico.  Continue reading “Sen. Ron Wyden Escorts 8 1/2 Months Pregnant Mexican Woman and Her Family Across Border Into US”

Reason – by Christian Britschgi

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority—Metro for short—can barely run its train system. You’d think keeping its toilets operational would be an easier task.

You’d be wrong, according to a new semi-annual report from Metro’s Office of Inspector General, which found that between 2003 and 2017, Metro spent $416,789.32 maintaining a toilet that hasn’t flushed since 2017. The report notes that the $416,789 figure is likely an underestimate, as Metro staff were unable to provide investigators with maintenance invoices for 2007, 2012, 2013, and 2014.  Continue reading “D.C. Metro Spent $500,000 Maintaining a Self-Cleaning Toilet That Hasn’t Flushed Since 2017”

Truth Theory – by Mandy Froelich

Traveling by airplane is fast and convenient but it can take a large toll on the environment. For this reason, the Hempearth Group is developing the world’s first plane made from and powered by hemp. The innovation is made almost entirely from the sustainable crop — from the plane walls and seats to the wings and pillows.

The hemp airplane was developed by Hempearth, a Canadian cannabis company and thought leader in hemp-related inventions. The company was founded in 2012 and sells a variety of organic, hemp products. Their inventory includes hemp surfboards, paddle boards, oils, cannabis, and even a hemp fiber body phone.   Continue reading “World’s First 100% Hemp Plane Will Be Stronger Than Steel And Run On Hemp Biofuel”

SRSrocco Report

The U.S. Corn Ethanol Industry, the largest in the world, is now losing a serious amount of money producing unprofitable biofuel.  While the situation for the ethanol producers was bad in 2018, due to losses stemming from falling margins, it’s even worse this year.  This has prompted one of the country’s largest ethanol producers, ADM – Archer Daniels Midland, to sell some of its ethanol assets with the possibility of spinning off its entire ethanol business operation.  Continue reading “THE U.S. CORN ETHANOL BOONDOGGLE: Producing 1 Million Barrels Per Day Of Unprofitable Energy”

Patriot Rising

A recent study, funded by the National Institute of Justice and conducted by anti-gun researcher Phillip Cook, takes an interesting approach to the question of how long criminals possess a firearm before they are arrested and charged with a firearm-related crime.

It is well known, and acknowledged even in this study, that for firearms recovered by law enforcement many years typically pass between the first retail purchase of the misused firearm and its illegal use or possession. The average “time-to-crime” in the U.S. is over 9 years according to the latest ATF dataContinue reading “Another Study Confirms…Wait for It: Criminals Break Laws”

Willamette Week – by Rachel Monahan

The biggest story in Oregon politics this month was something that didn’t happen. On July 16, business interests abandoned an effort to repeal the Legislature’s $1 billion corporate tax increase to fund schools.

For decades, Republicans referred taxes to voters whenever they felt Democrats overstepped the will of the electorate. When timber executive Rob Freres wrote a $1 million check in June to fund an initiative campaign that would put the tax before voters, a 2020 trip to the ballot seemed inevitable.

Continue reading “How Oregon Democrats Kept a Tax Increase Away From Voters”