IMEMC Newsby Zena Agha for Al Shabaka Palestinian Policy Network

Bipartisan legislation passed by the US Congress in 1997 limits the quality and availability of aerial photography of Palestine-Israel. The Kyl-Bingaman Amendment (KBA) to the US National Defense Authorization Act was passed under the pretext of protecting Israel’s national security. It prevents US satellite operators and retailers from selling or disseminating images of Palestine-Israel at a resolution higher than that available on the non-US market. The amendment’s interpretation has been confusing and contradictory in terms of meaning, geographical scope, and legal implications. Its result has been over two decades of limited access to clear aerial photography of Palestine-Israel.  Continue reading “The US Law Restricting Satellite Imagery of Palestine-Israel”

Fort Russ

TEL AVIV – Israeli technology company NSO Group was in the spotlight when it was revealed that its software products would have been used to hack WhatsApp and spy on Android and iOS phones.

The spy program developed by NSO Group can gain access to user data from Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft servers, writes The Financial Times.  Continue reading “Israeli Spy Program To Steal Personal Data From Apple, Google And Facebook”

Of Two Minds – by Charles Hugh Smith

Even the most distracted, fragmented tribe of the peasantry eventually notices that they’re not in the top 1%, or the top 0.1%.

Let’s posit that America will confront a Great Crisis in the next decade. This is the presumption of The Fourth Turning, a 4-generational cycle of 80 years that correlates rather neatly with the Great Crises of the past: 1781 (Revolutionary War, constitutional crisis); 1861 (Civil War) and 1941 (World War II, global war).  Continue reading “Our Ruling Elites Have No Idea How Much We Want to See Them All in Prison Jumpsuits”

Strategic Culture

Mark Esper is expected to be confirmed in coming days as the new US Secretary of Defense. His appointment is awaiting final Congressional approval after customary hearings this week before senators. The 55-year-old nominee put forward by President Trump was previously a decorated Lieutenant Colonel and has served in government office during the GW Bush administration.

But what stands out as his most conspicuous past occupation is working for seven years as a senior lobbyist for Raytheon, the US’ third biggest military manufacturing company. The firm specializes in missile-defense systems, including the Patriot, Iron Dome and the Aegis Ashore system (the latter in partnership with Lockheed Martin).  Continue reading “New US Pentagon Chief – Vested Interest in War & Conflict”

Patriot Rising

On July 18thInitiative Petition 40  was filed in Oregon to restrict the Second Amendment rights of law abiding adults by imposing a broad, one-size-fits-all method of storing firearms.

This egregious attack on our freedoms uses virtually the same language as the failed Initiative Petition 44 from 2018 as well as the same provisions from Senate Bill 978 that did not pass during the 2019 legislative session.  Anti-gun proponents will stop at nothing to restrict self-defense rights in Oregon, and will be using this initiative petition in an attempt to coerce legislators to pass gun control during the 2020 short session.  Continue reading “Oregon: Initiative Filed to Restrict Self-Defense”

Of Two Minds – by Charles Hugh Smith

This is the fantasy: we can rebuild our entire global industrial society every generation or two forever.

“Earthrise” is one of the most influential photographs ever published. Taken on the Apollo 8 mission in late December 1968 by astronaut Bill Anders, it captures Earth’s uniqueness, isolation and modest scale: a blue and white dot on a vast sea of lifeless darkness.  Continue reading “The Planetary Insanity of Eternal Economic Growth”


For decades I have been warning people of the insidious dangers of the totalitarian left within American society and their diabolic clear and open threat to our civilization. Here is further confirmation of this incubus of evil.

Read this powerful and incisive account of a visitor to the Socialism 2019 conference at the Hyatt Hotel in Chicago over the Fourth of July weekend (although the conference was not without its observers and critics from the Left).  Continue reading “Socialism 2019: Incubus of Evil”

Henry Makow

Ultimately, mass shootings occur to promote an incremental ban on guns, the main remaining obstacle to the imposition of Communism in the US today.

The Rothschilds are Cabalist Jews who worship Lucifer who represents their own demented megalomania. They are imposing their occult tyranny by virtue of their worldwide monopoly over the medium of exchange. They produce credit & currency from nothing in the form of a debt to themselves, something our government could do itself, interest-and-debt-free. Organized Jewry and Freemasonry are accomplices in this scam. Alas, our “money” is just coupons, virtual chips in their digital casino. They can manipulate or void these chips any time they want.  Continue reading “What is Communism?”

Desert Peace – by Evelyn Hecht-Galinski

The history of Zionism begins with contacts to the most violent ideologies, the most racist regimes and dictatorships and continues to this day as a thread through history. Rarely is it pointed out that Zionism is the official colonial settler colonial ideology of the “Jewish state”, which by definition is a thoroughly anti-Semitic ideology. Just the terms Israel as the “Jewish state” of the “Jewish people” or the audacity to speak out of this definition for all Jews worldwide. Not to mention the Zionist claim to call the illegal settlement policy and colonization of the state “Jewish value”. Continue reading “The Infinitely Long and Dirty History of Zionism”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

There is a reason James Simons’ RenTec is the world’s best performing hedge fund – it spots trends (even if they are glaringly obvious) well ahead of almost everyone else, and certainly long before the consensus.

That’s what happened with Deutsche Bank, when as we reported two weeks ago, the quant fund pulled its cash from Deutsche Bank as a result of soaring counterparty risk, just days before the full – and to many, devastating – extent of the German lender’s historic restructuring was disclosed, and would result in a bank that is radically different from what Deutsche Bank was previously (see “The Deutsche Bank As You Know It Is No More“).  Continue reading “Bank Run: Deutsche Bank Clients Are Pulling $1 Billion A Day”

Natural News – by JD Heyes

A series of incidents that have occurred in close proximity to each other over the past several days are leading many to believe that technology is failing society and that U.S. infrastructure is collapsing faster than previously believed.

On Saturday, a wide swath of Manhattan’s West Side was plunged into darkness for several hours, and the electric company officials responsible for providing the power — Con Edison — are not sure why the failure occurred.  Continue reading “It’s all CRUMBLING… NYC power outages to continue; GPS satellites fail; tech is collapsing at an increased rate”

Sovereign Man – by Simon Black

There seems to be an unwritten rule with lawmakers that, every time they create a terrible piece of legislation, they give it the most noble-sounding name.

The USA PATRIOT Act from 2001 was a great example. It sounds great. Who wouldn’t love a law named for Patriots?  Continue reading “Congress courageously sticks US taxpayers with a $6 trillion liability”

Of Two Minds – by Charles Hugh Smith

The more extreme the speculative euphoria, the greater the risks of a reversal.

One sentence sums up the speculative euphoria gripping marketsJanuary and June of this year are the only months in the last 150 which have seen all assets post a positive total return. (Zero Hedge)  Continue reading “When Everything from Bat Guano to Quatloos Is Soaring, Speculative Euphoria Has Reached an Extreme”

American Affairs Journal – by Matthew B. Crawford

In ever more areas of life, algorithms are coming to substitute for judgment exercised by identifiable human beings who can be held to account. The rationale offered is that automated decision-making will be more reliable. But a further attraction is that it serves to insulate various forms of power from popular pressures. Continue reading “Algorithmic Governance and Political Legitimacy” – by Andrew Hitchcock, 10-31-9

The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long time, their tentacles reaching into many aspects of our daily lives, as is documented in the following timeline. However, before you jump to the timeline, please read this invaluable introduction which will tell you who the Rothschilds are as oppose to who they claim to be. The Rothschilds claim that they are Jewish, when in fact they are Khazars. They are from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia. The reason the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish is that the Khazars under the instruction of the King, converted to the Jewish faith in 740 A.D., but of course that did not include converting their Asiatic Mongolian genes to the genes of the Jewish people.  Continue reading “The History Of The House Of Rothschild”

Natural Blaze

A new study, published in Psychiatry Research, has concluded that psychiatric diagnoses are scientifically worthless as tools to identify discrete mental health disorders.

The study, led by researchers from the University of Liverpool, involved a detailed analysis of five key chapters of the latest edition of the widely used Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), on ‘schizophrenia’, ‘bipolar disorder’, ‘depressive disorders’, ‘anxiety disorders’ and ‘trauma-related disorders’.  Continue reading “Study Finds Psychiatric Diagnosis To Be ‘Scientifically Meaningless’”